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Fact-Checker, Co-founder @AltNews | Analysing misinfo/disinfo across India | E-mail: | insta :

Feb 5, 2022, 11 tweets

Here's how a News channel shares a fake news based on a clipped video. It was later picked up and amplified by BJP members and Right wing Influencial accounts. Soon after it went viral, It was again picked up by other News channels which has it's own fact checking team. Thread 👇

It was first shared by a reporter from Navbharat Times reporter @_ShivamBhatt ( When someone says it might be fake, He goes in to justify with his whataboutery). It was soon published by his channel @UPNBT

NBT video was later picked up by BJP spokesperson @sambitswaraj and BJP member @ippatel @satyakumar_y and the local BJP MLA @BJP4Abhijeet

Local BJP MLA @BJP4Abhijeet later did a press conference based on the viral video.

The "News" was later covered by @aajtak @AsianetNewsHN @prabhatkhabar and Times of India

How can Right Wing propaganda website @OpIndia_com hold back and not do a story based on fake news. 🤡🤡

Altnews got in touch with Bitur SP candidate Munindra Shukla who shared us the longer version of the video. It can clearly be heard that the supporters were saying "Maati chor bhagana hai" and not "Pakistan Banana hai".
They claim, 'Maati (Sand) chor' was in refrence to BJP MLA

It was also clarified by Kanpur Admin that there were no Pro Pakistan Slogans raised.

Oh wait! @IndiaToday fact checks @aajtak 🤭

Here is @AltNewsHindi fact Check. Do read.…

🤡🤡 deleted it after Fact check.

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