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Frimet and Arnold Roth advocate for justice in honor of their daughter Malki, murdered in the Sbarro massacre: No protected tweets pls

Feb 5, 2022, 7 tweets

Qatar's @AlJazeera says it's rescreening on Feb 12 a sentimental Arabic-language tribute to @FBIMostWanted #AhlamTamimi (screen cap below minus the violins). The 15 lives she obliterated in the @Sbarro massacre goes unmentioned. Qatar's ruler was a @WhiteHouse guest last week.

For nearly five years, this is the strongest statement the US @StateDept has put out on those rare occasions when someone from the news industry asks them why this unrepentant terrorist, living free and influential in #Jordan, still hasn't been handed over to US justice.

As the fifth anniversary (March 14) of the US federal charges against #AhlamTamimi approaches, we're asking media, justice activists and America's Jewish organizational leadership to stand with us and call for unconscionably delayed pressure on #Jordan to finally happen.

There are 25 people in total on the @FBIMostWanted terrorists list, only two of them females. #Tamimi is one. Her obscene freedom gets almost zero US media attention and is never mentioned publicly by gov't spokespeople when Jordan's ruler and senior figures come to Washington.

We've been told by US officials, as if it justifies US passivity on bringing this fugitive to US justice, that the Jordanians have #AhlamTamimi under control and stop her from promoting more terror. But it's simply untrue - and offensive to anyone for whom justice is precious.

We're the parents of Malki Roth, one of the US citizens blown up in the @Sbarro massacre. If like us you're furious at how justice is swept under the rug to achieve political ends that no one wants to articulate (but are obvious) please sign our petition:

The @AlJazeera tribute underscores to Arabic-speaking audiences how #AhlamTamimi's freedom, her confounding triumph over US justice, confers legitimacy on Islamist terrorism and the dead Jewish children it produced. She's sickeningly free because US ally @JordanGov insists on it.

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