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I'm a real estate developer, investor and content producer. I share what I learn to help you live a fulfilling life, achieve more and become financially free.

Feb 6, 2022, 10 tweets

Seven Suggestions for Self-Care Sunday.

= Thread =

1. Take a bath

Skip the shower.

Soak in the bathtub.

Read a book and have a glass of wine.

A bath is an excellent way to:

- relieve muscle pain
- relieve tension in your joints
- ease off cold and flu symptoms
- improve the condition of your skin

2. Get a good sleep

Sleep is crucial for our lives.

More than one-third of us aren't getting enough, and we need it to:

- get sick less often
- maintain a healthy weight
- reduce stress and improve mood
- think more clearly and improve at work

3. Cull your circle

Stop engaging with anyone whose content doesn't make you feel good on your social media.

Fill your feed with people who build you up. People who motivate you to be who you want to become.

When surrounded by people who push and support us, we succeed.

4. Meditate

Celebrate silence.

Take some time for yourself.

Learn to be alone with your thoughts.

Benefits you will experience from meditation are:

- Reduces stress
- Controls anxiety
- Enhances self-awareness
- Lengthens attention span
- Promotes emotional health

5. Exercise

- Run
- Dance
- Do yoga
- Lift weights

We want you to get bring on a sweat.

- boosts energy
- controls weight
- improves mood
- promotes better sleep
- puts the spark back in your sex life
- combats health conditions & disease

6. Take it outside

Being in nature, especially in motion, will:

- boost your mood
- sharpen your thinking
- reduce stress and cortisol
- make you feel calmer & happier

Take a bath in nature.

Go for a hike in the outdoors.

Fill yourself with sunshine and forest.

7. Read a book

Grab your favorite book.

Take some time to yourself to read.

Some of the benefits of reading include:

- motivational
- reduces stress
- improves sleep
- free entertainment
- exercises your brain
-increases knowledge

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Invest in yourself.

Take your self-care seriously.

Until next time:

Coach Clint

This account exists to teach you how to succeed and achieve true wealth through:

- YouTube videos - July 1st
- 3x podcasts / month
- 1-2 threads / week
- Recurring Spaces

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