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#HARRIS2024 Women's Rights Are Human Rights She/Her 4/20 #NoHumanIsIllegal #FakeAssassinationAttempt #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQAlly #EndAsianHate - No lists

Feb 7, 2022, 15 tweets

AND? What's next?!

Replace the word invite with demand.

IF any of us didn't show up for an "invitation", want to guess what would happen?

I hope everyone remembers that Junior and Ivanka were about to be indicted in NY until Vance got a visit from Mark Kasowitz. But for that, they'd have a criminal record, already.

I hope everyone remembers that this long-necked giraffe-looking species was court-ordered to take a class to learn how not to steal from charity, after she and her brothers grifted 2 million from the parents of terminally ill children. Look it up

As if coffins during Covid and voting machine patents during an election, wasn't alarming, enough.

"Look how good this turned out, daddy"

Was it kind of like this?

This is what we do while waiting for the vet..🤪
The correct type of Invitation:

When you get a subpoena, you're supposed to show up. Democrats have a history of ignoring when this happens.

Question to satisfy my odd curiosities:
If you saw Ivanka Trump at an event and didn't know who she was, would you find her attractive?

Hatch Act?

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