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Lefty, reader and book fiend (history, politics, economics, fiction and whatever). Currently taking up meditation, it sure beats sitting around doing nothing.

Feb 8, 2022, 8 tweets

Excellent article by @Jonathan_K_Cook
on the chasm between reality and rhetoric on Starmer/Savile though I'd add:

Regarding the Levitt enquiry that cleared Starmer of involvement in the Savile debacle: Levitt wasn't at Mishcon de Reya at that time. /1…

She was employed (her Linkedin profile) at the CPS, so it's hard to see the 2012 Levitt enquiry as independent and avoid the opinion that the CPS cleared Starmer itself.

Incidentally Levitts Linkedin profile states she advised Starmer on "high profile charging decisions"!


Now I don't know whether Levitt with her "high profile charging decisions" brief was there when the Savile case was at the CPS.

If not then her predecessor surely had the same brief? If so then the Savile case may well (should have?) ended up at the highest levels of the CPS? /3

And given that the role of "Principle Advisor to the Director of Public Prosecutions" is literally about advising the DPP (Starmer) then the highest levels of the CPS would surely mean Starmer?

Alison Levitt joined Mishcon de Reya in April 2014. Starmer followed in June 2014. /4

Alison Levitt is married to Lord Carlile who was intimately involved with the security state as Independent (appointed by Home Secretary) Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation from 2001-11.

Incidentally he shared an office with paedophile Cyril Smith MP. /5…

So Alison Levitt, who investigated Savile/CPS, may have some link with the security services via her husband?

Starmer definitely has (see interview of @KennardMatt by @Lowkey0nline)

MI5 have been accused of protecting paedophiles. What a murky world. /6

In short the whole "nothing to do with me" Starmer/Savile narrative should be viewed with scepticism and be the subject of journalistic enquiry, and not the outpouring of 4th Estate solidarity that was noticeably absent in relation to the attacks (literal & smears) on Corbyn. /7

Considering everything I believe that its not impossible:

-Keir Starmer knew of the Savile case.
-Savile wasn't prosecuted because it would damage too many establishment figures.
-Levitts enquiry cleared Starmer as he was too useful as DPP (going for Assange/clearing MI5). /8

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