Vijay Patel🇮🇳 Profile picture
Bharat First 🇮🇳| Bhakt Of Mahadev⛰️ | Proud Hindu | Activist | Investigative Reporter 🕵️| Son of Farmer🌾 | Founder @onlyfactindia |

Feb 8, 2022, 6 tweets


1. Do you know that lawyer Devadatt Kamat, who appeared in Karnataka High Court to support Hijab is a congress member?

In this small thread let me tell you about his association in other few cases too.

2. Recently Devadatt Kamat has been appointed as a chairman of the Congress legal coordination committee for the UP election.

3. You can also see his association with Congress in this tweet by Congress member Srinivas.

4. Devadatt Kamat was a lawyer of Mumbai police in the media trial in the SSR case.

5. He was also the lawyer of Mumbai police in the TRP case against Arnab Goswami and Republic TV.

6. He was also a lawyer of Congress, Shiv sena, and NCP in the Maharashtra government formation case.

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