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Securing full equality for Florida's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.

Feb 8, 2022, 9 tweets

NOW: The Don't Say Gay bill is in its first Senate Committee hearing this morning. We'll keep you updated here.

You can also watch live: thefloridachannel.org/#:~:text=Senat…

Our team has packed the house in opposition to the bill today.

Sen. @ShevrinJones : Have you spoken to any family whose K-3 aged child has had these conversations in school?

Sen. @dennisbaxley : This isn't about personal stories.

That's code for "no". He has not.

Sen. @loriberman : Am I right to read that this bill would allow a parent to sue a school if their child requests a vegetarian meal for lunch and they are not consulted?

Sen. Baxley says yes.

Sen. @TinaPolsky asks -- what about kids with LGBTQ parents? If they come to school and it invokes questions, then what?

Sen. @dennisbaxley suggests that acknowledging LGBTQ people is "sexual" in nature. And teachers should stay quiet.

This is censorship.

Public comment begins now. Chair Gruters is limiting public comment to 30 seconds each.

Over 130 people are in the room to oppose this bill. Powerful testimony from Floridians who don't want to see the lives of LGBTQ people used as political pawns.

.@FLSenateDems deferred their debate time in order to allow the public more time to speak.

In a furious rush, Chair @JoeGruters halts public testimony, rams through a vote, and adjourns the committee. The bill passes along party lines.

The march of Don't Say Gay continues despite widespread condemnation and outrage from Floridians (and the nation).

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