Timothy Grose Profile picture
Associate Prof of #China Studies, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Tweets about #Xinjiang, Islam in China, my twins, and Wed Tibetan song translations #བོད)

Feb 8, 2022, 5 tweets

Today, I'm shining @NBCOlympics #OlympicGames spotlight for the first time @shahitbiz on my friend Ekber Ebeydullah, who has been detained since 2016

I met Ekber in Beijing in 2010. He was studying at university after four years in the Xinjiang Class boarding school. He is extremely bright, fluent in four languages (Uyghur, Turkish, Chinese, and English).

After graduating, he went to Turkey for post-graduate studies. Upon returning home in 2016 for a relative's wedding, he was detained. A mutual friend told me the news summer 2017 in Urumchi. Like many others, his crime was being #Uyghur.

His many friends are also concerned and post regular updates on his facebook page. One of the last updates says he was sent directly to prison.

No one knows why. No charges were formally made. He "simply disappeared" for being #Uyghur.

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