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Securing full equality for Florida's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.

Feb 8, 2022, 11 tweets

We hope you hydrated and took a moment to breathe. Because another bad bill is up in Committee now.

The governor's Stop WOKE Act (see: censorship of uncomfortable conversations) is up in its FINAL House Committee. Tune in: thefloridachannel.org/#:~:text=Educa…

The bill is up now. Tune in.

Rep. @BryanAvilaFL claims that the bill will not criminalize the teaching of the root causes of discrimination, injustice and bias.

Unfortunately, the language of the bill itself disagrees.

Representative Avila refers to a video titled "Anti-Racism" as an example of content this bill is designed to eradicate.

Rep. @SusanLValdes : When you were a student, how did learning about the atrocities of slavery make you feel?

Rep. @BryanAvilaFL refuses to answer. Chair @ChrisLatvala allows it.

Rep. @CHunschofsky : At Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, presentations from Holocaust survivors are part of our lessons. Their experiences are not objective. How would that be impacted?

Rep. @BryanAvilaFL says that's not his intent.

Again -- the bill's impact begs to differ.

. @repmccurdy asks a poignant question: all of Rep. @BryanAvilaFL 's examples of instances that necessitated this bill were resolved on a local level without issue.

So why is the state government stepping in?

Powerful testimony once again from the 60+ Floridians in attendance to oppose this authoritarian attempt to replace history with propaganda.

Including representatives from @FloridaEA , @FloridaPTA and our own Jon Harris Maurer.

“I was born less than 30 miles from North Korea … for kids that lived under Castro or Kim, learning honestly about history is impossible.

Representatives — please make learning honestly about our history a priority.”

- @KevinChoFL 💙

Debate on HB 7 is still ongoing, having been extended.

Governor DeSantis' Censorship bill passes its final House committee 14-7.

It will go to the full House of Representatives for a vote.

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