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Feb 9, 2022, 12 tweets

πŸ“– Classrooms have become the latest battleground for #LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Since the beginning of 2022, nearly a dozen bills have been proposed banning queer books and classroom materials.

🧡 Here's what you need to know. πŸ‘‡…

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Educating children about LGBTQ-related issues has often caused controversy across the U.S.

πŸ“– In 2019, 8 of the top 10 most challenged or banned library, school or university books contained queer content, according to @OIF.

πŸ§’ Lawmakers say parents should have a bigger say in their children's education – potentially overriding administrators.

πŸ“š They also say that religious freedom means families and students should be able to challenge some material.

πŸ‘₯But LGBTQ+ rights groups say the proposed bills are discriminatory.

🚫There has been a barrage of "hostile rhetoric and behavior targeting vulnerable young people and books about their lives” - @glaad CEO @sarahkateellis.

Here's a snapshot of what's happening in the U.S.πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‰ Oklahoma

πŸ’΅ A bill introduced could fine teachers at least $10,000 for educating children on anything that contradicts religion, which could include LGBTQ+ topics.

πŸ“’ Another suggests fining schools and librarians that continue to stock books challenged by parents.

πŸ‘‰ South Carolina, Texas and Utah

πŸ”Ž Elected officials have sent letters to school districts asking them to investigate certain titles in libraries.

πŸ“š One list in Texas includes more than 800 books.

πŸ‘‰ Tennessee

🏫 Lawmakers are considering a bill to ban the teaching of #LGBTQ+ topics in the state’s public schools.

πŸ›‘ It aims to ban textbooks and other educational materials that β€œpromote, normalise, support or address LGBT issues or lifestyle”.

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Some of the books with LGBTQ+ themes include:

πŸ“– "She/He/They/Them: Understanding Gender Identity" by Rebecca Stanboroug.

πŸ“– "Honestly Ben" by @billkonigsberg.

πŸ“– "Gender Queer: A Memoir" by Maia Kobabe.

πŸ“– "All Boys Aren't Blue" by @IamGMJohnson.

πŸ‘Š But some groups are fighting back.

♣️ In Kutztown, Pennsylvania, local students started a "banned book club" that meets every other week.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« English teacher Heathcliff Lopez said he specifically added titles included on a list of books to be banned in Texas schools.

At least 5⃣ U.S. states have proposed legislation to prohibit the discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

πŸ—£ On Tuesday, @WhiteHouse condemned Republicans for advancing the controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida.

πŸ“– Teachers and school administrators are concerned these new legal restrictions could intensify pressure as COVID-19 continues to strain the education system.

Read @femme_thoughts's story πŸ‘‡…

πŸ“š Has a book ever been banned at your school?

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