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None of you are serious. Where is your mask?

Feb 10, 2022, 11 tweets

Help me make sense of this, because right now I am desperate to be wrong.

#JasonOlive had this to say at the end of tonight’s @ChandlerUnified board meeting.

He… he asked for a copy of a board policy…?

A board member asked for a copy of a board policy so he could see it…?

I am not a board member, but I do have access to the Internet. And CUSD has a website. And their website has this on a page dedicated to their governing board, of which he is a member.

Something called “CUSD Policy Manual” - I wonder what that could be?

We appear to be getting warmer… and warmer…

What in the entire fuck?

Is this policy on their website, accesible to literally ANYONE with internet access, from their governing board page?

Is this what @ChandlerUnified governing board member #JasonOlive was asking for?

I am literally begging y’all to tell me I’m missing something here.

Please for the love of god tell me this is NOT what a sitting board member asked for tonight.

Hey #JasonOlive in addition to WHY THE FUCK DON’T YOU KNOW HOW TO FIND BOARD POLICIES, this was explained to you on November 10.

You were there. Dr. Gilbert presented the information.


It was voted on in the Dec. 8 meeting. You weren’t there that night, but you were there at the next meeting on Jan. 12.

You voted that night to approve the minutes from the Dec. 8 meeting.

Which included how that Dec. 8 vote went.

(Spoiler alert Jason: it passed)

What the fuck are you doing with your time on this board, Jason?

Do you think we’ve forgotten about this other time you showed up not having done your homework?

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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