Hans Kristensen Profile picture
Director, Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists. Tracking nuclear arsenals, writing Nuclear Notebook, SIPRI Yearbook. Opinions my own.

Feb 10, 2022, 7 tweets

B-52 bombers are on their way to Europe (RAF Fairford) and Guam in the first Bomber Task Force mission of the year. US bombers deploy to Europe several times a year but this deployment coincides with the escalating Russia-NATO crisis over Ukraine and naturally be seen as signal.

Here is one of them (61-0006), passing south of Iceland enroute UK.

Sure hope callsign HATE11 is a mistake.

The B-52 deployment comes only days after US proposal to Russia to discuss “nuclear risk reduction measures, including strategic nuclear bomber platforms.” elpais.com/infografias/20…

Russia also recently conducted forward strategic nuclear bomber operations thebarentsobserver.com/en/2022/02/nor…

The three B-52s have arrived over UK, doing exercises over the east coast. HATE11 (61-0003), HATE12 (61-0018), and HATE13 (60-0044).

As for the callsigns, AFGSC, we need to talk! 😳

BUFFs over Britain.

Of the three B-52s, two are nuclear-capable (60-0044 and 61-0003). The third (61-0018) is among the 41 B-52s that have been denuclearized under New START treaty.

And here is the official confirmation that the US B-52H bombers arrived in the UK this morning. usafe.af.mil/News/Press-Rel…

Over the next weeks, they will fly missions across Europe.

Apparently there were four B-52 bombers landing at RAF Fairford today. I only saw three on the radars. @Saint1Mil has all four on video. We’ll see if more join over the next days.

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