Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) πŸŒ»πŸ‰ Profile picture
Uniting frontline communities and organizations. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽

Feb 10, 2022, 10 tweets

How can we use finance as a tool to restore wealth to the communities it's been extracted from and grow our collective resources? πŸ’ΈπŸ—£

Get your radical imagination going at: πŸ”₯πŸŒ±πŸ› 

#ResistAndBuild #RiOP @cjaourpower @movegen @neweconomics (1/10)

In this series you’ll learn about: 1) The history of divest/reinvest movements 2) Public banking 3) Non-extractive and cooperative finance

"When the playing field is shifted and resources are governed by institutions that we can trust, there are huge amounts of potential for communities to thrive and that is a key part of the world we are trying to build.”
β€” Dom Hosack, Earthbound Building & CJA (3/10)

How can we use finance as a tool to restore wealth to the communities it’s been extracted from ad grow our collective resources? (4/10)

No Guns. No Prisons. No Pipelines. No War. #PublicBank Now! (5/10)

From #StandingRock to #PublicBanking (6/10)

What is non-extractive finance? (7/10)

Building the infrastructure necessary for a truly just, democratic and sustainable #NewEconomy. (8/10)

Worker cooperatives are values-driven businesses that put workers and community benefits at the core of its purpose (9/10)

Learn more about

πŸ₯ Community-Controlled Health Care
🏑 Housing as a Human Right
🌻Just Transition and Climate Justice
πŸ’ΈRegenerative Finance
⛰️Land Back & Indigenous Sovereignty

at: πŸ”₯πŸŒ±πŸ› 


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