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We are @DurhamPolice Roads & Armed Policing. This account is not monitored 24/7. To contact Police call 101, or in an emergency 999.

Feb 11, 2022, 11 tweets

Sometimes, as Police, we’re not allowed to be too forthright with our opinions.

However - there are times when we can cross that line.

And this is one of them…

Buckle up.

We are proud to be part of @DurhamPolice - we are proud to Police our roads, we are proud of our work - and we love this area!

But a lot of that work can be avoided if the the #Fatal4 - and more - are observed…


If you drive while drunk, we have a term for you…

If you drive under the influence of drugs, we have a term for you…

If you drive too fast, we have a term for you…

If you drive with no seatbelt on - and especially don’t safely and properly use seatbelts / car seats / similar for kids in the car.

Guess what, we have a term for you…

If you drive using your phone, social media, apps, TikTok, Snapchat - guess what…

And if you do more than one of these at the same time…

Then when we stop you, and give you a ticket - which we are doing every single day - you will invariably ask us….


Simply put.

We don’t.


Slow down.

Don’t drink drive.

Don’t drug drive.

Wear your seatbelt.

Put the phone away.

We’re not really asking a lot - are we…?

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