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Everything is politics. 📩

Feb 11, 2022, 5 tweets

NBC's Lester Holt asks about Biden's definition of "temporary" inflation. Biden says, "I think you're being a wise guy with me a little bit. I understand that's your job."

Biden then explains inflationary pressures and why he thinks it'll "taper" off this year.

Reacting to the Holt/Biden moment, @Bakari_Sellers says, "Yeah, it was a terrible answer, and I would tell them that if they were looking me in the face."

Sellers say nobody wants "to hear what Nobel laureates actually say about the problem ..."

Solutions or I feel your pain.

Predictably, Fox & Friends is all over this Holt/Biden inflation moment.

Brian Kilmeade, who is decidedly not an economist, says Biden is like "Rain Man with Build Back Better."

Kilmeade then slams Paul Krugman as "a left-wing economist who somehow won a Nobel prize."

We're fact-checking this, but we believe Lester Holt just became the first cast member from The Fugitive (1993) to be called "a wise guy" by a sitting American president.

Perhaps former Vice President Al Gore called his Harvard college roommate and The Fugitive Oscar winner Tommy Lee Jones "a wise guy" at some point ... but, hey, it's not documented, and Gore was quite famously never president.

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