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Physiologist, #Developer, Health/Fitness/Performance Coach for endurance athletes. Using #data #science & #AI to facilitate Max Athletic Development 🇦🇺#INTP

Feb 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Spectacular look into #WhatItTakes to achieve world beating levels of fitness.

Hint: It's all about that #AerobicBase

1/ "Purify" your aerobic season.

If you're going to focus on building your aerobic metabolism, focus on building your aerobic metabolism.

Don't give your body mixed messages!

2/ Find joy in the process!

99% of your athletic life is training and it's likely the epic training experiences that you'll remember most.

You have limited control over whether you win or lose a given event, but you have complete control over crafting those experiences.

3/ Fuel the work!

"Aerobic season is food season!"

I think there are a lot of athletes who don't realize that the thing truly limiting the amount of training they can do is simply that they don't eat enough. Either through fear of weight gain or just poor planning.

4/ *After* the aerobic base is laid, a period of high volume, intensity controlled (via lactate monitoring) threshold work.

It is not difficult to see the parallels with the similarly successful Norwegian approach here.

High volumes of work at just below the lactate threshold

5/ Finally, use that massive work capacity that you've built to push the top end performance to new levels

Don't 'muddy the waters' here. Train very hard to push the top end or very EZ (to recover so that you can push it again!)

This is the sexy training but you have to earn it

6/ Don't stay with the anaerobic work too long!

Even if you have a massive aerobic base, your time at the peak is limited. You have to return to "base camp" periodically to keep topping up your reserves.

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