MattKane.eth 🎨 Profile picture
Artist & Coder. 🕳️🐢 🍃: 🌘: 🚪: 🐸: @notkamotos 🕸️: 🤝: 🖼️: @newherexyz

Feb 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Today, February 12, all Gazers with the "First Stolen Paintings" origin moon trait celebrate 20 years and 246 New Moons passing since the moon under which I had 3 paintings stolen from my studio shortly before what was to be my first solo show. #cryptoart 🧵...

It was a most sickening, heart sinking feeling to step into the studio & discover these centerpiece works to my show, each 36" x 48", were missing. I made a police report and hung up fliers but the paintings would remain stolen. Check out my DANK poster and $100 reward! I was 21.

I only had a short time before my one person show was to happen. Without these works, I couldn't proceed. I put on my curator's hat and changed my solo show into a group show, inviting 12 other student artists to show a work. I learned how much joy that elevating others could be.

What strikes me, looking at these moons today is that at center is the moon under which this event is crystalized. Wrapping this memory are all the moons that have come since. All 246; 20 years of choices and experiences that have been shaped since the "First Stolen Paintings."

Though I met an early obstacle, it did not stop me. 20 years later, I am who I am. I still elevate others. Within these layers of time, I've learned ones more dear & valuable than paintings and solo shows can be stolen & lost. For me, today's transformation is priceless.

To learn when your #Gazers1000 moon might celebrate, check your Origin Moon trait and your Celebration Window. And keep gazing! 🪡

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