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National Reporter with Global National & Global News covering Parliament Hill | Always in a white shirt

Feb 13, 2022, 12 tweets

At Bank and Riveraide, counter protestors have held up a number of cars attempting to join up with the convoy folks.

Here video at the numbers of cars held up, sent to me by a counter protestor #cdnpoli #ottnews

Here’s a look at the crowd that has gathered at Bank and Riverside.

Considerably more counter protestors compared to trucks trying to get through #cdnpoli #ottnews

Police have been trying to negotiate with the counter protestors to get them to move, with no success.

When the crowd said they’re not leaving, One cop just came up to them asked “so how does this end then?”

That did not go over well with the crowd #cdnpoli #ottnews

More dispatched from Bank and Riverside

The counter protestors have taken a page out of the protesters from the hill and brought in some speakers #cdnpoli #ottnews

The counter protestors are still blocking cars from leaving, while police are in the crowd trying to find a solution.

One counter protester gets on the bull horn to encourage the crowd to ignore the protestors, who are honking #cdnpoli #ottnews

Pat King has now told convoy folks to go down to Bank and Riverside to help the protestors stuck there get out #cdnpoli #ottnews

Back at Bank and Riverside, a demand of the counter protesters is to have the cops take any jerry cans with fuel from the protesters in their cars

One counter protestor I spoke to said cops told her they don’t have the authority or legal ability to seize jerry cans on this road

Back to Bank and Riverside, as many other folks have reported, the trucks are being let go one by one, but they can only leave if they take the flags off their cars.

Note the police escort out for the truck #cdnpoli #ottnews

Cars continue to be allowed to leave by counter protestors, but not without a police escort to let them go #cdnpoli #ottnews

A couple protesters got out of their car and an argument broke out.

The protestor says to the counter protesters - “None of us are acting like terrorist or racist or hateful people like you guys are … this is the worst experience I’ve had in my whole entire life” #ottnews

When the protestors got out of their car, the cops also got all the counter protesters to move one side with the protestors on another.

There looks to be only a handful of protestors with lots of cops in between #cdnpoli

While leaving the area, this driver hit this cop with his car.

After that happened, the cop went up and asked the driver “So you’re not going to hit me with your vehicle again?”

“No sir” replies the protestor, before he drives off #cdnpoli #ottnews

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