Ooana Trien ~ Eric Arthur Blair’s mistress Profile picture
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Feb 14, 2022, 6 tweets

Let me tell you a little bit about one person who has been amplifying the anti Freedom Convoy propaganda. They didn’t know I couldn’t be vaccinated when they said this to me, but they knew I’m Jewish. They aren’t.

Now let me remind what we have been seeing people say about the unvaccinated, and continue to say.

Note the language.

So…history was mentioned. Yes? Well…here’s some history.

And the constant delineation of right vs left? Calling the unvaccinated not only parasites but also white supremacists or occupiers?

Those in leadership positions who continue to do this…what will it take?

Im afraid we will see more violence and more excuses. So what’s the solution?

I don’t know.

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