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Feb 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Fellow Jews - I’ve been thinking a great deal about something in Torah. I’m curious what you think.

It’s known that Moses was the first to say to God “if you do this, take me out of the book that you have written.”

Is it possible that this wasn’t the first time that this was said but the first time that this was heard?

What if the first time was Sarah…? Why would God say “sacrifice your son” then say “nope - didn’t mean it. Was just testing you.” Does this make sense? I don’t think it makes sense. Thoughts? @Jewtastic @RonColeman @ymenken @Rabbishish @frank_zelenko @JustOwnItIsrael @JewsAreTheGOAT @Irishchutzpah @CaffMomREDACTED @JewsAreTheGOAT
Jan 26 56 tweets 28 min read
Let me remind everyone how similar city planners are to public health narratives. Image Narratives are essential to the way any policy is justified ideologically at the expense of individuals.
Jan 10 18 tweets 11 min read
🧵The War On Memory, The Great War

“This is always history's greatest failure, its inability to believe what it sees, what, almost always, someone sees.” - Larry Kramer

“For the Greeks, the hidden life demanded invisible ink. They wrote an ordinary letter and in between the lines set out another letter, written in milk. The document looked innocent enough until one who knew better sprinkled coal-dust over it. What the letter had been no longer mattered; what mattered was the life flaring up undetected
…till now.”
‘Sexing the Cherry’ by Jeanette Winterson

Before the Gods ruled from Mount Olympus there was a war. The war was between the Old Gods called the Titans and the new Gods, the Olympians.

The female titans went below the ground while the male Titans were spectacularly defeated by the Olympians with Zeus and his brothers leading their army… /1Image As the earth settled from the quakes of battle, the female Titans emerged, including one daughter of Gaia and Uranus, named Mnemosyne. She and her siblings were birthed from earth and sky. She…the Goddess of Memory.

Zeus took note, naturally, and Aros (erotic love) partnered them (socios). For nine consecutive days and nights they were intertwined… /2Image
Jan 4 17 tweets 12 min read
What do radical Revolutionaries on all sides of the political spectrum share? What is the underpinning belief system that makes “woke” or awaken to a consciousness for those who insist to you that they are only in opposition to each other? What do they share in common?

They all believe that they have seen reality and that everyone else must be awakened to it. This is a false reality, an illusion. That false reality is socialist realism or socrealism/socreality.

So what is that? What is the socrealist way of viewing/the world and your place in it? What is this theory? More accurately what is this philosophy? (Cont) We are not actually simply facing two different political ideas battling it out but rather one Religious idea masquerading as economic, philosophical and political, while I truth it is in fact a religious ideology with a method of absorbing all which opposes it into itself via the power of narrative. That is the Great Narrative and it has a structure. It also has a singular author. That author is Party.
More accurately it would be The Party Spirit or even Will.

Under the Soviet’s this term was Partiinost'. It is a transliteration of the Russian term. In Chinese, it is translated as Dangxing (Chinese: 党性). It can be variously translated as party-mindedness, partisanship, or party spirit.

It is one of the philosophical pillars of the Great Narrative which was, and still is, Socrealism or Socialist Realism.

These pillars are:
Klassovost (Class-mindedness or consciousness.)

Narodnsot (People/folk-mindedness or orientation toward the masses)

Ideinost (Idea-mindedness), emphasising that ideas should reflect those of the Party, as well as motivating people for a certain aim.

And of course

Partiinost (Party-mindedness) meaning that every expression was considered political, and the foundation of all knowledge is the Party. (Cont)
Aug 24, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
1796 - Washington announced he would not be seeking another term. His announcement was the first in what became the tradition of Presidents addressing the people before their departure as well as what was, until recently, how they departed from public service. 🧵 I have a favorite founding document that was once part of our shared general knowledge. It was delivered to the people in 1796 and some may recall portions of it from the score of the musical Hamilton.
Aug 15, 2024 19 tweets 10 min read
Image NPR did it first. npr.org/2020/11/07/930…
Jul 29, 2024 57 tweets 26 min read
The socrealist spectacle of the Olympic opening ceremony served its Purpose.

1. Remind that the Hero is Toil and the toiler is unthinkable outside the collective by bastardizing the ancient transformative promise of ritual to elevate an individual from the mundane to awe at and with the potential of one human being to be exceptional and to be celebrated for it.

2. By distracting you with visuals meant to distort your consciousness (“engineer the human soul.”)

3. Replace lineage with a march toward an assured glorious future determined by Party and worshiping Purpose.

4. By destroying the author/artist by activating a feverish activity, and confusing / burying history. “The artist must be both midwife and gravedigger; not only giving birth to a new art but exterminating the pernicious elements of the old, even if they like it.”

5. By continuing to use children to trigger fear and paralysis.

6. Meanwhile…Image
TransFORMATION - distract you with symbols that offend and fear which aim to destroy your fundamental belief which no one can touch unless you allow them to.

The Last Supper was painted by DeVinci, not by God or Christ or John the Baptist or anyone.
Jul 17, 2024 68 tweets 29 min read
🧵I think there are insights into our current situation which can be very useful from
this particular essay titled Power of the Powerless.

I’ve quoted later parts of it often, but now I want to focus on the earlier sections where he explains why what they experienced and what I believe we are also, isn’t a dictatorship or even really communism or fascism, but rather something else. Something unique to modernity but also requiring a very different tactic to defeat… Here is a link to the essay. I’ll be quoting from it and also trying to, later in this thread, summarize its nature. In order to defeat an enemy we must first be able to understand what it actually is. hac.bard.edu/amor-mundi/the…
Jan 19, 2024 40 tweets 5 min read
Hate is an emotion.

No laws should ever dictate emotion. Learning how to regulate one’s emotional outbursts is not the same thing as attempting to regulate another being’s emotions.

We are not livestock.

SEL is a form of socialist realism, a philosophy which views the mere idea of individualism as “zoological.”

It is NOT merely an artistic aesthetic or style of literature. It is a philosophy and cornerstone of Stalinist and Maoist theology.
Oct 13, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read

It is said, by many, that in part the justification for Jew hate can be found in the writings and brilliance of people like Nietzsche. However this, just like every justification by intellectuals to pseudo intellectuals and their pawns is not only shallow, but false What I find remarkable as of late is how many justifications often cite, adopt, even claim ideas and language and declarations that are uniquely part of jewish wisdom and spirit, preserved by my people for millennia or - bastardizations of non Jewish but thoughtful, wise, brilliant
Oct 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Ritual power is transformative. We tend to apply a positive to the word transformative…

Masking changes someone. The extent to which, if we keep attempting to understand purely rationally, is like trying to understand why touch, music, prayer, hearing laughter and so on can stir the human spirit.

The literalists may literally kill us all.

That’s fundamentally what my piece was about. Never flat out stated this before. It’s kinda a rule one shouldn’t. Right now - it’s a rule I think I had to break.

Masking changes human beings. Full stop. The why doesn’t exist anymore. The days never did matter. It’s truly heartbreaking.

See Merloo, Rape of the Mind.
Jun 13, 2023 24 tweets 11 min read
🧵The rebirth of SocRealism and the fall of the hope of Tamizdat.

I am beginning to keenly realize that this slow poisoning of the very things that ended the tyranny of the Soviet Union and it’s mission men and women around the world, began three quarters of a century ago and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image dissentmagazine.org/wp-content/fil… Image
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I just remembered how Russian artists couldn’t play music in NYC, and how the Russian Tea Room was boycotted, hell people lamented the name “st. Petersburg” in the state I’m in now….

People encouraged the bigotry of Russians in NYC as easily and with as much smug dedication as they did the term “anti-vax.”

We keep having our president and nearly ever legacy media and new media say the danger is on the right or white supremacy or transphobia or or or…no.

The problem is how young people are encouraged to become bigot, racists, hell - they were… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So - I made a very clear and direct statement of opinion yesterday - and have been dealing with an unreal attempt to bully me for it.

I’ve seen more bigotry, childish rage and nasty - hate filed rhetoric than I’ve ever seen on twitter before.

I’ve blocked thousands of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… What troubles me - sincerely - is that I’ve never seen anything like it outside the most vile hatred of Jews.

I wonder, what America has helped allow go on with our aid to anyone in this war.

Very little online scares me. This did. It reminds me of what I’ve rarely heard
Jun 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve never had an abortion or IVF.

I’ve known so many women who were told not to allow their complex emotions regarding ending pregnancy or fertility to enter their minds or hearts because - they didn’t matter.

Who is worse than by the standards recently laid out by some who say that “hard truths” must be considered.

Those who always considered these? Who were told to be silent? Or cold to their own thinking?

Or the people who have made the private matters so brutally public as if anyone ever had the right to be the voice of such things?

Does… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I find myself utterly losing trust with intellectuals. I trust those whose subscriptions to any system is based on what’s directly in front of them.

Can they get from point a to point b?

Can they heat their home?

Are they being asked or not asked to sacrifice themselves or… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Cheap because frankly- look around. If you don’t see what’s happened to people in the last year you’re treating them as cheap. I’m sorry. But you are.
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I asked someone I respect deeply who fights harder than anyone I know what keeps them going- because I’ve felt so much like giving up and just running away to try to create a small little life for myself from the ashes of everything I’d wanted. Also because I’m so scared. He… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… and I share this now because, it’s true. And not true in a way that most people may think. He said “what is being done is evil, and so to give up would be evil.”

It sounds like something you’d only hear from the mouths of religious zealots. But here’s the rub. It’s true.
Jun 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In learning about the history of those who seem compelled to rule over us and squander liberty- there is a missing piece I can’t seem to quite figure out…. … this episode talks about the link to Maoism quite compellingly.

It appears that even under Stalin, the Soviets kept these people at bay. Yet their rhetoric is so similar to what was created under Gorky etc for Stalin.

Has anyone found anything that
Jun 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Too many women try to tell us that bodily autonomy is a partisan and only a partisan and binary issue.

I know for a fact that it isn’t. I hope this spares other women what I’ve gone through.

Forgive any typos please. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to try and talk about. I will try and get better at it, but it’s very difficult and frightening to do so. I’m sorry for anything that I might have not presented well.

It’s true and I think I have to try no… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 9, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
It’s heartbreakingly strange to remember how not long ago, it was incredibly rational, reasonable and moral to say that we lived during an amazing time to be alive. Yes, compared to other times we may have it good, but we squandered and worse were primed to trivialize so much. I’ve been haunted by a recent conversation with someone. They believe, wholeheartedly, that the choices imposed upon us - were the best ones. That we were better off than if we had not locked down etc.

When I mentioned this editorial as an example of how this was not done
Jun 7, 2023 37 tweets 10 min read
So let me get this straight - and those who may know what I’m not clear on please correct me. The fires in Canada were lit by arsonists. The PM is claiming this was caused by climate change and using this to push the net zero/carbon zero policies… The fires are so bad that they have caused damage all across the NE coast and blocked the sun and made NYC look like a sepia toned photo from the 1800s.

The air quality is horrible, but the city that clutched masks like woobies are behaving with ambivalence.