Hans Kristensen Profile picture
Director, Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists. Tracking nuclear arsenals, writing Nuclear Notebook, SIPRI Yearbook. Opinions my own.

Feb 14, 2022, 7 tweets

Interesting B-52 flights over Europe and Mediterranean this morning. Both south from UK around Spain into Med. One (CHIEF12, 61-0018) heads back across Spain toward UK. Other (CHIEF11, 61-0039) continues off Israel, across Sinai south over Red Sea.

B-52 (CHIEF12, 61-0018) returns to RAF Fairford after refuel point over Mediterranean. Wonder if it suffered refuel defect.

Meanwhile, the other B-52 (#CHIEF11, 61-0039) continued down over Red Sea and has just turned east over Saudi Arabia.

The B-52 (CHIEF11, 61-0039) re-emerging from flight over Saudi Arabia on its way back to RAF Fairford. Be interesting to see if it flies straight or swings north to show flag over Eastern Europe.

Bombers staying away from Eastern Europe today. CHIEF11 (61-0039) returning from Middle East via Gibraltar.

And here is CENTCOM’s tweet with images from CHIEF11 (61-0039) flight over Middle East earlier today.

And @TeroTweet pointed to the post from the Israeli Defense Forces about the portion of the B-52 (CHIEF11, 61-0039) flight over Israel.

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