Christopher Bouzy ( Profile picture
When I was 9, I started coding on a Mattel Aquarius computer. I developed several products in my 20s & 30s, and then in 2018, I launched Bot Sentinel.

Feb 14, 2022, 7 tweets

.@LouiseMensch, Twitter never called Bot Sentinel "inaccurate rubbish," and after that blog post, their views regarding Bot Sentinel have changed. Bot Sentinel was key to removing QAnon accounts and white supremacists. It was also used to suspend your @LouiseBagshawe account...

When @LouiseMensch tweeted "inaccurate rubbish," maybe she got Bot Sentinel confused with her blog.……

Let's not forget when @LouiseMensch told everyone, "sources have confirmed that the Marshal of the Supreme Court spoke to Mr. Trump." She didn't even bother to learn about how the impeachment process works in the United States.…

I can do this all day and still have enough receipts to continue tweeting tomorrow.

Even Vanity Fair thought @LouiseMensch was a serious problem, and Twitter needed to do something about their verification process. Not a single credible news outlet ever called on Twitter to do something about Bot Sentinel.…

When @LouiseMensch tweeted this lunacy, Bannon hadn't even been charged with anything yet.

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