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President, @CSPICenterOrg. Former @UTAustin, @ColumbiaSIPA. If you like the tweets, subscribe at for the more thought out versions

Feb 14, 2022, 7 tweets

I talked to @hsu_steve about tensions in Eastern Europe, Russian and Chinese military technology, the rise of China, and his work on IVF. A fascinating guy, and an important conversation on a wide range of topics.…

On the importance of Russian hypersonic missiles. The US has even less leverage than it believes in the Ukraine crisis. We both share the concern that American leaders are once again sleepwalking into disaster, this time with even graver consequences than before.

On how a potential Chinese assault on Taiwan might go.

How should a non-expert who doesn't speak Chinese think about the rise of China and judge how its system functions? You should ignore most experts, who have been wrong because of ideology, and look at results.

On meritocracy in the Chinese system and its reliance on standardized tests. Nothing like the SAT, which isolates g, but the gaokao measures intelligence and conscientiousness. Unlike US government officials, no one who deals with Chinese officials thinks they're incompetent.

"if you make an estimate of the number of high ability STEM PhDs in China in the near future, compared to the United States, it could be an order of magnitude larger. I’m not talking about two times larger. We’re talking about 10 times larger."

In Denmark, already 10% of children are born through IVF. This likely means closer to 20%-30% in higher SES categories. A revolutionary change in how humans are conceived that has occurred over just a few decades.

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