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Theology at the intersection of woke and cringe. Christchud. Subversion detector. Public meme-ologian.

Feb 14, 2022, 9 tweets

Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley of Alexandria, VA's Alfred Street Baptist Church says Christians who don't wear masks are violating the commandments of God. His guest, Yale prof Obery Hendricks Jr, will go on to call them "anathema" and "antichrist."

Got this as a tip from @Kdubtru

"These folk are not fulfilling their gospel responsibility...What we see reflected in their attitudes and their actions and their pronouncements is what 1 John calls the spirit of antichrist."

"Franklin Graham, he's got a spirit of antichrist...I'm not saying that they're evil people. I'm saying, though, that they are in the thrall of evil discourse and evil actions, and we have to start calling evil by its rightful name."

There's a talking point in here ^^ about "evangelicals" hailing Trump as Messiah and calling for a "Book Of Trump" in the Bible. As seen previously in WPC, he's lumping in Sheldon Adelson's widow with American Christians.

Earlier in the stream, Hendricks says conservative Christians are wrong about the Bible prohibiting "same-gender loving" and cross-dressing.

"We cannot say conclusively that the Bible is saying that those people who romantically love members of their own gender are sinning...Jesus said to love each other, and what that says to me is as long as you love somebody, you're in good shape."

After Hendricks espouses obvious antinomianism, Wesley co-signs:

"All scripture is subject to interpretation...which is why work like yours is so critical to help me see a little bit more than just what I thought I read or maybe misread in Leviticus this or Exodus that."

Just 20 minutes before this bit on standpoint epistemology, Wesley presented himself as a theological conservative: "I would agree with the authority of [the] Bible, when it's used correctly. I agree that Jesus died and atoned for our sin."


Note the stats. This is a mega-MEGA-church with a huge online presence. Almost 7,000 people have watched this convo in less than a week.

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