Thomas Juneau Profile picture
Associate prof, @UOttawaGSPIA. Tweets on Middle East (Iran, Yemen) and security & intelligence. Former dept of national defence analyst.

Feb 14, 2022, 15 tweets

Back from the Ottawa protests. Tweeting this from the office because it is minus 29 outside (= tabarnak qui fait frette). Fairly small size today, not surprisingly. Slightly more entrenched than last week (supply tents, tightly parked trucks perpendicular to the street). Thread.

Towing these away will be hard

Still your usual mix of bad analogies. No, Canada is not a communist state.

Fairly big gap without trucks between Parliament and Sussex, with another group of trucks there, close to Chateau Laurier (for non Ottawa people, no, we don't actually have a castle in downtown Ottawa).

Fascinating how the far right appropriates the left's things

Still a few supply tents, including this one, famously established with police help. There were people inside but, like some others, it was closed, so it was hard to see inside.

Another one had grilled chicken

If it were up to me, the national arts centre's brutalist architecture is much more worthy of protest

A handful of protesters established a tent close to the war memorial, after others removed the fence around it a few days ago, and police famously told they were now in charge of the site.

(yes, still smelled like pot on wellington)

Kids' corner also still there, just to the west of the peace tower on Wellington

On Wellington, it was mostly music while I was there, with a few dancing. Hard to give speeches at minus 29. One speaker did refer to decisions ahead.

(nobody is actually coercing you)

It really is cold

This made me hungry

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