Stuart Neilson Profile picture
Autistic lecturer and writer, with a doctorate in Mathematical modelling of inherent susceptibility to fatal diseases (1994)

Feb 15, 2022, 6 tweets

Blackpool Shopping Centre, #Cork. What does it say when there are no signs for pedestrians to walk or cycle from Blackpool village, not even to indicate the way in? And where the path is up steep steps, straight into a car park with no footpath to the entrance?

Cork University Hospital. There are no signs marking the bus stop, it takes nearly 4 minutes to cross a dual carriageway, with limited space for wheelchairs or walking frames. There are no signs for walkers, who have to navigate steep steps and cross busy internal roads.

If you can find the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, #Cork on a map, the old entrance is not for pedestrians, and there are no signs to the new entrance. It is truly cars-only, and a hostile environment to anyone walking or cycling in.

The South Infirmary #Cork does not even pretend to welcome walkers - there are no pavements, and no signs other than for car drivers. Getting to the colposcopy clinic or regional dental hospital are a trial on foot.

Mahon Point Shopping Centre is fenced off from the residents of Mahon. There is no entry, requiring a long walk around the shopping centre, navigating dual carriageways and car parks with poor footpaths. Mahon Point is inaccessible to all except cars, by design.

Mahon Point by bike: battlefield tank traps on the pavement, a ramp with a turn narrower than many bikes (so you have to pick up one end, to make the turn), and gates across the kerb drops.

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