Maya Forstater Profile picture
Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Feb 15, 2022, 9 tweets

I need your help, one more time to get my
case to the employment tribunal...

The case starts on 7 March for 12 days, and I still need to raise £100,000 to get to the finishing line <gulp>…

The tribunal will hear my claim that I was discriminated against, directly...

...and indirectly, because of my "gender critical" belief that sex is binary, immutable and important

I will give evidence, alongside four witnesses from CGD

CGD, a US based organisation from the Washington DC beltway is being tested against the UK's Equality Act 2010.

There is around 2,000 pages of evidence to go through

I am represented by a brilliant legal team....

And the case has been supported by thousands of donors, who know that this case matters not just for me to get justice, but to show other employers that they cannot discriminate against people for saying that sex matters.

Thank you for all your support!…

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