The tribunal will hear my claim that I was discriminated against, directly...
...and indirectly, because of my "gender critical" belief that sex is binary, immutable and important
I will give evidence, alongside four witnesses from CGD
CGD, a US based organisation from the Washington DC beltway is being tested against the UK's Equality Act 2010.
There is around 2,000 pages of evidence to go through
I am represented by a brilliant legal team....
And the case has been supported by thousands of donors, who know that this case matters not just for me to get justice, but to show other employers that they cannot discriminate against people for saying that sex matters.
Prof Whittle appears to be arguing individuals shouldn't be able to held liable for sexual harassment if their inappropriate behaviour was sanctioned by their employer.
I gave evidence in the Sandie Peggie case because the hospital board & male Dr refused to accept as findings of fact that that men are more likely to commit violent & sexual crimes, that men are more dangerous to women, so women are more heavily impacted by men in their spaces than vice versa.
You can read my witness statement here.
These are the facts it attests to.
You don't need a degree of any sort to understand these facts.
I've written to @stonewalluk CEO Simon Blake applauding his leadership in discarding Stonewall's previous extreme and divisive definition of "transphobia".
And explaining the damage that it did.
It's not good enough to quietly back away from it after doubling down for so long