Tracey Wilson Profile picture
Staff at @CCFR_CCDAF, mother, Nan, military mom/wife/daughter. Daughter of 🇨🇦, tweets are my own. try/me ᑐᕆᓯ

Feb 15, 2022, 43 tweets

@CZV416 Evelyn Fox opens with an incredible speech, highlighting the deficiencies in our existing system, asks for border strengthening, highlights it isn’t legal gun owners committing violence. Calls Liberal bans “US style”. Details systemic inadequacies … 🇨🇦 #SECU

Continues, highlights the failure to address the youth study. Photo of #Kiesenger in the background. Discusses the trauma of having a child murdered 🇨🇦 runs out of time #SECU

Richard Miller @Keep6ixorg speaks to his orgs program, mentoring at risk youth, tuition incentives, wants to partner on a nat level with feds: reduce crime, increase youth work skills, mental health counsel, reach kids before legal trouble. Has “turn in your gun” program #SECU 🇨🇦

@DaneLIoydMP begins questions. Highlights lack of funding for diversion and community programs. Asks @CZV416 what programs should be funded. She speaks to “roots of youth violence” report, never acted on. Socioeconomic issues fuel violence. Talks about systemic trauma 🇨🇦 #SECU

Fox @CZV416 highlights the impossibility of navigating the system for programs. @DaneLIoydMP asks her about #buyback and gun ban money - infuriates her that gov’t will spend billions on legal owners and almost nothing on the community 🇨🇦💰 #SECU

Miller @Keep6ixorg says investments in skilled trades for at risk youth would help more than gun ban spending. Says we must address trauma 🇨🇦 #SeCU

@Taleeb asks Miller why it’s important to get the guns used by gangs off the streets. Asks how easy it is for youth gang members to get guns. Miller says it takes 3 hours to acquire illicit guns 🇨🇦 #SECU

McKinnon asks what the origins of crime guns. Where are they coming from? Miller says the issue isn’t arising from licensed owners and their legal guns. Miller says the guns banned aren’t even the kind being used. Says we must focus on actual issue 🇨🇦 #SECU

MacKinnon asks Miller how we stifle illegal gun trade. Miller says it comes down to education. Teaching choices and consequences. Must catch youth at young age, provide better opportunities 🇨🇦#SECU

Michaud asks @CZV416 about national gun ban. Fox says it can’t be provincial or municipal if it’s done. 🇨🇦#SECU
Michaud asks Fox about guns that aren’t on the list. Fox says a gun ban against legal owners is a solution. Highlights lack of reference checks on PAL 🇨🇦 #SECU

Michaud asks about a community approach, prevention measures. @CZV416 says police are reactive, we need proactive funding like @TheOneByOneMov1 and trauma support. Reveals the horror of losing her son, effects on her other kids. It’s a cycle. 🇨🇦 #SECU

Fox speaks about how the anomaly incident voices get more attention than those who experience daily violence. Poly - that was for you 😉

Says we must focus on root causes 🇨🇦 #SECU

MacGregor interrupts study of violence to table a motion to meet with @marcomendicino about protests. Proceeds to debate motion while witnesses sit there 🤦🏼‍♀️🇨🇦 #SECU

Damoff rambles on, suggests amendment to wait until after the #EmergenciesAct expires. MacGregor rejects it. Wants to study the issue while it’s still ongoing. MacKinnon, other Libs support Damoff amendment. @DaneLIoydMP supports original motion. 🇨🇦 #SECU

Carr dismisses and thanks witnesses. All the time left in their session is used for debating protests rather than current issue of gun violence, the topic they were there to speak to … 🇨🇦🤦🏼‍♀️ #SECU

@takovanpopta supports motion. Rejects Damoff amendment. Shipley agrees. Michaud also agrees.

They vote: Damoff amendment fails.

@DaneLIoydMP moves amendment to add other law enforcement

They debate

Shipley speaks to amendment. Supports adding OPP to protest study. MacKinnon supports amendment, drifts back to defeated amendment. Suggests new parliamentary committee can discuss these matters 🇨🇦 #SECU

Chiang says law enforcement won’t be at liberty to discuss operations, also drifts back to defeated motion. Van Popta rejects MacKinnon’s comments of diverting to new Committee 🇨🇦 #SECU

Carr calls the vote on Lloyd amendment.

Amendment motion carried unanimously.

Lloyd calls out Liberals for opposing for the sake of opposing anything from the opposition.
🇨🇦 #SECU

EDIT: is NOT a solution. Sorry, fast fingers

Chiang asks to move another amendment motion to add OPS to the motion.

My god these people move slow.

🇨🇦 #SECU

Blois calls out the fact witnesses are waiting to testify about gang violence while they’re fooling around with motions and amendments re protest study.

They go to vote on Chiang amendment motion.

Carries unanimously 🇨🇦#SECU

Vote on main motion.

Liberals against, all opposition in favour

Motion carries


Damoff asks to extend meeting to accommodate next witnesses.

Shipley agrees to suspend now and extend to 1:30

Suspended 🇨🇦 #SECU

Rathjen opens with a statement that they solely focus on licensed gun owners and their legal guns. Says they want to keep guns away from domestic abusers. Wants large capacity mags banned (they are). Says mags are modifiable (already illegal) 🇨🇦 #SECU

Says some 10 round mags can fit 5 round guns. Says verification of PAL should be mandatory (it is). Complains C71 measures never implemented. Carr warns her on time. Wants a restraining order to equal immediate prohibition. Carr cuts her off 🇨🇦 #SECU

Cukier starts, provides her credentials. Says gun violence should be treated like cancer. Talks about addressing root causes, but says she only want to talk about access to guns today 🇨🇦 #SECU

Goes on to discuss stats in other countries. Says the availability of firearms means more people die. Says some guns are diverted through legal channels. Brings up truck load stolen. Says too many legal handguns. Ignores gang violence entirely 🇨🇦 #SECU

Wants a total ban on the importation and sale of legal handguns. Says you can’t hunt with them 🤦🏼‍♀️ Dismisses illicit smuggling. Carr cuts her off #SECU 🇨🇦

Wilson @TheOneByOneMov1 details his past, former gang member. Is rehabilitated, International expert on reducing crime, violence. Works directly in high risk communities. He’s the front line. 🇨🇦 #SECU

Says street violence should be synonymous with illegal guns. Says the idea of banning legal guns is insulting to minorities and Canadians in general. Denounces bans, spending on bans 🇨🇦 #SECU

Calls out Liberals for blowing so much on gun bans and so little on root causes. Talks about the rising street violence in TO, says the flow of illicit guns must be stopped. Prevention and intervention is key 🇨🇦 #SECU

@DougShipleyBSOM praises @TheOneByOneMov1 for their important work. Asks Wilson about impacts of young people on the streets committing violence. Asks Wilson about Dante. Wilson details community trauma 🇨🇦 #SECU

Wilson @TheOneByOneMov1 talks about how common youth gang shootings are, we are numb to them. Shipley asks if the Libs are too focused chasing legal owners. Wilson confirms. Says orgs like his need more support. Main focus should be community orgs. 🇨🇦 #SECU

@takovanpopta continues … asks Wilson to detail a success story. Wilson talks about Edward. Served 35 yrs for murder, now works in the community reforming youth 🇨🇦 #SECU

Damoff says law enforcement don’t support a gun ban and buyback, asks Boufeldja what he thinks. He rejects the opinions of the law enforcement experts and goes on to say he wants handguns banned too!! #doubledown #SECU 🇨🇦

Boufeldja says we need stricter firearms laws and wants guns “eradicated”. Talks about trauma from Mosque shooting. 🇨🇦 #SECU

Damoff asks Rathjen about urgency to ban legal guns. Makes mention of guy who rammed gates and didn’t use his guns. Cukier chimes in and says bans work in other places 🇨🇦 #SECU

Michaud asks Rathjen about license verification. She says the regulation doesn’t go far enough. Focuses on licensed owners. Slams Conservatives, RCMP. Says they were promised more by the Liberals. 🇨🇦 #SECU

Michaud asks Rathjen about standard capacity magazines. Says killers modified their mags. Talks about C21. Says people wanting to do mass killings won’t follow mag cap laws 🇨🇦 #SECU

MacGregor asks Rathjen what “permanent alteration” in Marcos mandate letter. Rathjen says the gun industry can simply make permanent 5 round mags. They can design them. He asks her about license verification, red flag laws, onus. She says the onus should be the law


Rathjen says guns should be easily seized from legal gun owners if anyone complains. Says C21 didn’t go far enough. 🇨🇦#SECU

Carr adjourns meeting 🇨🇦 #SECU


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