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I delve into shadowy funding/networks of propagandists 2.0 (when I can). You can buy me research time here if you want: https://t.co/6xhHdSbuWY

Feb 15, 2022, 7 tweets

What kind of idiots can come up which such a ridiculous idea, you asked?


Shadowy funded ‘Privatisation is the answer to everything because it makes our donors happy’ thick tank?
You bet

But hey it’s a report drafted by experts, right?
I mean there’s a “head of research”

We now go live to a researched argument by (Koch alumni) head of research claiming that selling the Moon would benefit the poor just like private property “did already”

I will conclude with my opinion on the quality of ASI’s head of research’s research by quoting one of his researched argument 👇
@Independent thank you for giving an unchallenged platform to such experts

“Cheering shadowy funded bullsh*t”
(To the least I hope they were bribed to do that, it would be really embarrassing to do that for free)

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