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Feb 15, 2022, 8 tweets

🧵Following the RCMP raid and seizure in #Coutts, Chris Lysak, once called the "head of security for Diagolon" by de facto leader Jeremy MacKenzie, has been accused of conspiracy to commit murder. 1/

MacKenzie – who is facing possible weapons charges himself after being arrested in mid-January in Nova Scotia – is now claiming the weapons were planted, and that he doesn’t know who the weapons belong to. 2/

Lysak, who posted to various Telegram channels and chats as “Sly Fox,” appeared to be preparing for a show of force in response to perceived pending removal of the Coutts blockade. Other users in Diagolon channels referenced that Lysak was at the blockade. 3/

"Sly Fox" and many co-accused signed a flag hanging on the wall of Smuggler’s Saloon at Coutts, as did several other blockade attendees, incl Artur Palowski & Rebel News content creator Kian “K2” Simone.

The flag was posted to Facebook by Lysak’s co-accused, Chris Carbert. 4/

When police released images of the seized firearms, we were interested in the patches. One of the tac vests on display shows the black & white flag of Diagolon, the symbol of a network of far-right accelerationist survivalists. 5/

Special credit to the keen Reddit user who placed so many signatures on the flag, as well as identified where it was located. 6/…

If you have any information on any of the co-accused listed here, please email us at 7/…

And we are a tiny team working triple overtime. We need to hire another investigator/reporter. You want eyes on this stuff? Help us out at If we had the resources to be more on the ball before the convoy arrived, things might not have gone so bad.

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