Canadian Anti-Hate Network Profile picture
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) counters, monitors, and exposes far-right hate movements, groups, and figures. Fully independent.
Brandon 🇨🇦 (4×💉2×😷) Profile picture Maebl Profile picture AJ Stone ☕️ Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 11 4 tweets 2 min read
CAHN REPORT: A Quebec teenager has been recruiting for a new neo-Nazi militia on TikTok & Telegram using old Atomwaffen propaganda. He told his following the goal was to “kill Jews & immigrants”

1/… CAHN has been able to find and identify several of the most radical members of this neo-Nazi group. In our first public long-form report, we examine how materials from Iron March and Atomwaffen Division were used as a model for building the group.

2/ Screenshot of a Telegram message featuring the "AWD Program," a short guide to developing a militant neo-Nazi cell.
May 23 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ NEW: Freedom Convoy Organizer Identifies Herself as a “White Nationalist” in Conference Call With Neo-Nazis

Trinity Productions’ Bethan Nodwell denied the Holocaust and claimed that “white identitarianism is inevitable.” 🧵… 2/ On the call, which hosted numerous neo-Nazis, Nodwell self-identified as a white nationalist, and told Diagolon streamer Alex Vriend that she would ask popular Dutch far-right media figure @EvaVlaar to start “naming the Jew.”
Feb 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Several people have contacted us very alarmed abt reports coming out of the US that white supremacists are planning a “Day of Hate” targeting the Jewish community, & asking if anything similar is being planned here. We empathize w/these fears, & want to share some perspective. 🧵 2/ First, we want to extend our solidarity to the Jewish community & all those who are frightened & enraged by these reports. In the context of rising antisemitism & other forms of hate, it makes sense that something like this would be disturbing to those who are targeted.
Jan 16, 2023 7 tweets 8 min read
Ben Mockler (AKA Ben Burke) has spent years building a following in the world of international fascism. Now he’s recruiting in Canada’s capital for the world’s largest white power gang and owns a gym on Rideau St. #Ottawa
1/… As “Aquilla the Eagle,” Mockler has been an organizer for the Ottawa Active Club since its inception. Our previous investigation found the decentralized Active Club movement is lead in Canada by the Vinland Hammerskins, a violent white power gang.
Jan 4, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Make it your new year’s resolution to go and demonstrate for social justice and against far right bullies. Here’s 5 ways to start. 🧵… 2/ Create a solidarity group.

Get together with some friends and go to demonstrations. Working as a group keeps you safe, and helps you meet other community-defence minded people. Keep each other in the loop for actions.
Nov 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network is proudly antifascist, and that means we have critics. In 2019, Jon and Barbara Kay shared an article which says that we fund violence. This is a lie. One of our board members sued them as an individual because he was named in the article. The Kays tried their hardest to connect us with violence, and failed. They tried to make it sound sinister that we’re fans of the International Antifascist Defence fund, which covers emergency, medical, and legal bills for antifascists. That was the best they could come up with.
Nov 4, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Today, Jeremy MacKenzie accused us of purposely engaging in misinformation at #POEC . So let’s set the record straight, again, about the antisemitic flyer incident. A statement /🧵 During the occupation, Bernie Farber got an email from a friend, who’s a lawyer, that said their adult kid had seen antisemitic flyers and signs at the occupation. He tweeted one of the photos from the email from his personal account.
Oct 12, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
🚨Municipal and school board elections are coming up. Find and tag your local candidates in these #QuestionsForTrustees to find out where they stand on anti-hate issues. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

#BCed #MBed #ONed #Yukon #NWT #PEI #QuestionsForTrustees 1: Will you support the raising of the rainbow flag during Pride month? #QuestionsForTrustees

Tag your school board trustee candidates to find out where they stand! The image is a navy backgro...
Sep 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Despite the violent misogyny inherent to fascism, teenage girls are not immune to being groomed and recruited into hate movements. This week, we're giving you a primer on two subcultures we are most worried about young women getting involved in. 🧵… 2/ While the underlying ideology is the same as hate movements that attract teenage boys, the roles that teenage girls and young women embody, and the specific online subcultures they gather in, are often gender-specific.
Aug 9, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
On July 28th we received a “Cease and Desist” from James Topp or a member of his team at @CanadaMarches. We responded a few hours later to address the falsehoods in the letter and to have a conversation with Mr. Topp like the letter asked. 🧵… We warned Mr. Topp that he was getting bad intel, and told him to do his own research on Diagolon and Jeremy MacKenzie, providing links and clips. The letter said Mr. Topp wanted to talk, but we never heard back, despite multiple follow up emails and DMs.
Aug 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Christopher Pretula's vile anti-trans tirade on a #HamOnt bus last week led us into the extremely hostile and aggressive world of "IRL streaming," and Pretula's own history of racism, misogyny, and trolling.🧵… 2/ Regularly posting to YouTube in short video clips or long streams lasting 5+ hours, Pretula - who streams as "Mr. Bum Tickler" is facing two charges, according to the Hamilton Police, who are seeking to have the incident classified as a hate offence.…
Jul 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵We located Veterans For Freedom's 'Camp Eagle,' where the far-right are staging for their Ottawa protests this summer.

In images of the camp posted to Telegram, children are seen holding the Diagolon flag. /1 Image description: A group of people, 14 adults, 15 children The farm/camp is located near the village of Dunvegan, in North Glengarry, ON and is approx. an hour outside of Ottawa.

Based on images posted online, the camp has 2 large tents. Posts to social media say there has been a steady presence there since the February convoy. /2 Screenshot from Telegram reads "Yeah there's been peopl
Jul 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Pierre Poilievre has endorsed the far-right in Canada by endorsing the fake 'freedom' movement. This movement, if it can be characterized by one thing, it's that it wants to see politicians and health officials put on trial for treason and executed. /1 This is the first time in memory that a major Canadian politician has endorsed people who get together en masse to wish for an insurrection and the murder of their political opposition. /2
Jul 1, 2022 42 tweets 12 min read
🧵We'll be dropping updates and information from researchers and journalists about various #CanadaDay incidents and events in this thread. ⬇️

If you see something we should include, send us a DM!

#CanadaDay2022 #Ottawa #cdnpoli #cdnmedia We'll start with a roundup of some coverage from yesterday.

@atRachelGilmore covered Poilievre's walk with James Topp here:…
May 31, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Former Canadian Proud Boys are running a neo-Nazi propaganda network. Its largest Telegram channel, Western Chauvinist, (now defunct) had over 42K followers. Now, they’re networking with other groups like the Hammerskins & trying to organize in-person
1/… In 2021, the Canadian Proud Boys went through a split. Some wanted to be more explicitly racist and fascist and picked the name “Canada First.” This breakaway group included Brandon Lapointe, Nicholas Bennett and former PB elder Tim Kelly.
2/ Tim Kelly, former Canadian Proud Boy elderBrandon Lapointe (left) and Nicholas Bennett (right).
Apr 13, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Within the whites-only Active Club network, we found that their recruiters were actually the Vinland Hammerskins, one of the most violent old-school racist skinhead groups active in Canada. 🧵… In Canada they’ve been accused of multiple assaults on racialized persons, going back decades.

In the US they've been tied to multiple murders. /2
Mar 3, 2022 114 tweets 17 min read
Testimony today from @gofundme before the House public safety committee re: Ottawa Convoy/Occupation.… MP Alistair MacGregor asked counsel for GFM if they were aware of the Memorandum of Understanding. GDM confirms they were not aware, and that there were no issues with the campaign early on.
Mar 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Good news! We first warned that, under current rules, far-right and neo-Nazi parties could easily access the voters list and get public funds by registering as parties. We spoke with Elections Canada about it. Now they're proposing changes. #cdnpoli… As long as Elections Canada has to register and provide the voters list to any party, including the PPC and Canadian Nationalist Party, we don't feel safe voting. We've removed ourselves from voters lists and helped journalists and antifascists do it too. We're disenfranchised.
Mar 2, 2022 21 tweets 3 min read
After a few false starts and some wildness in the zoom chat, it looks like Tamara Lich's bail review hearing is about to get underway. There have been multiple attempts to get the review moving but the video call has filled up so quickly members of the court have not been able to join.
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
He's lying. Zeiger literally authored a textbook on how a fascist should win debates and conversations by lying to non fascists about their beliefs and aims. I have a copy. A competent prosecution would introduce it to the court. The same book promotes fascist violence. Zeiger insists the DS is parody, humour, and irony. Except their own style guide says: "The unindoctrinated should not be able to tell if we are joking or not."

Our deputy director Elizabeth talked about it with @matthewremski for Conspirituality:…
Feb 25, 2022 24 tweets 3 min read
Pat King is back in an Ottawa court via Zoom today for the expected decision on his bail.

Let's go on this legal journey together. JoP Seymour and Crown Karimjee are already on the Zoom call but it looks like King has yet to be brought into court.