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Pre-Order: "The Spirit of Justice" | NYTimes bestselling author | PhD in History | HBCU professor @scky_1879

Feb 16, 2022, 7 tweets

Phew! When you end up in @Newsweek because a group of conservative Christian parents and college students allege that you’re a stark, raving Critical Race Theory apologist! 😱 Fam, I’m a historian, and history has America’s many racist receipts.…

I was invited to speak and preach at this college a month before the 2020 presidential election. 2020!!! This controversy has been going on for almost a year and a half!…

Notice the word “escape.” Too often Christian schools are set up as enclaves with high walls barring their students from “the world.” Attempts to engage other ideas are seen as attacking the Christian foundations of the school.…

To the suggestion that I said “ALL white people are racist.” Nah. But all white people benefit from a system that grants advantages to those considered white and disadvantages to Black people and other people of color. What you do with that fact says more about you than me.

In other words, “Don’t invite the Black guy to preach about race…unless he refers to it only as a past-tense reality. Plus those Black Christians have suspect theology anyway. They should leave ‘politics’ out of the pulpit.”…

Doesn’t this say a mouthful about race on this campus? Is what you’ve been doing working? Is this Christian education truly for all Christians? How much conformity/assimilation is required? And what’s that oft-quoted definition of insanity…?

I keep telling y’all. CRT is simply the latest scare tactic meant to intimidate Christians into ideological conformity, curtail efforts to create racially inclusive organizations, and demonize those who speak up about it. Anyways, check out my work…

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