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Proud Bhartiya 🇮🇳, ArmyBrat,Married, Engineer, Contributes to @resonant_news @ChanakyaForum @BWBusinessworld| Defence, Strategic Affairs & Sanatana, ©️72ed 😊

Feb 16, 2022, 10 tweets

1/4 If you see a truck parked to left side of road (last track) & u r driving a right hand drive car,
will u not be overtaking it from right?
But #DeepSidhu “attempted” to overtake it frm left.
How’s it possible?
U gotta be really out of ur senses to do it. SCENARIO 1:

2/4 SCENARIO 2: U spot a truck parked to the left side of road, bt before u take over the truck, a car (1) appears on ur RIGHT and another car (2) behind u. How will u save urself? By moving to EXTREME LEFT. Jst like Deep Sidhu did! He had no way to escape, except to his left.

3/4 Scenario 3: So hw did he miss the huge truck? He ws busy chit chatting OR he hd another car right in front of him, which moved out all of a sudden & Deep came face to face with the truck.Roosie mafia is known to use this tactic. Bt then— this mistake cn happen to any1 of us.

4/4 Pics show that the truck was parked to the left. And right side of car has hit the left side of truck. I hv yet to mk sense why wld he overtake the truck by going out of the road and from the wrong side? This is def not a case of overtaking frm wrong side. Drive safely ppl!👍

Then ofcourse there’s this. 👇

The truck applied SUDDEN BRAKES. There u go! We have our answer! This is in confirmation to what ppl at the spot had to say.

This is the video of the people who were at the spot and have captured pictures of the marks of BRAKES on road.

There ws this accident in southern part of india in which a biker was killed using the 3rd scenario, and it was caught on cam. The biker was pushed to drive behind a car and 2 other bikers ensured he could not escape.

Marks of tyre* not brakes.

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