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Journalist & press freedom advocate. Dissenter Newsletter at Author of “Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange.”

Feb 17, 2022, 5 tweets

Unnamed State Dept official quoted by @CBSNews: Not "immediately clear whether shelling was actually the false-flag incident the U.S. has worried about, or just more of the low-level, tit-for-tat skirmishes that have plagued Donbas for years." #Russia…

@CBSNews While British officials, especially Prime Minister Boris Johnson claim without verification that false flag event just happened in Ukraine, "Western security officials" told UK media…

@CBSNews US, UK, and NATO officials won't wait to verify. They're keen to fit it into narrative they've spun for the past week and will react accordingly. But all along—as even pro-war Atlantic Council notes—it's been known Russian military drills would last from February 10-20.

@CBSNews Where did I recently see that February 20 date? Oh, right, that's when "Russia watchers" are truly afraid a larger invasion of Ukraine may occur.

Not seen any proof to suggest "Putin's troops" won't "head home," but this is the biggest source of panic.…

@CBSNews US, UK, and NATO officials continue to insist Russia has built up forces near Ukraine, but Guardian reporter writes in update: "Firm evidence of Russian forward deployments is limited."

Officials pointed to bridge for military exercise, now taken down.…

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