Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) 🌻🍉 Profile picture
Uniting frontline communities and organizations. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽

Feb 17, 2022, 5 tweets

The story of Black people in the #EnvironmentalJustice movement is rooted in the civil rights movement and the fight for racial justice. #CJABlackCaucus

Check out the Black EJ Timeline and webpage

The Black #EnvironmentalJustice movement helped birth the #ClimateJustice movement of today. CJA’s Black Caucus is working to archive and tell these stories. Building narrative power through the collection of written, oral, song, and visual historical preservation.

The Black Caucus is working to develop a Climate Justice Peoples’ Teach-In geared towards Black communities and designed to spark the next generation of Black climate and environmental justice leaders.

The Black Caucus is a hub for regional network building and engages in national CJA working groups on areas such as #JustRecovery, #FoodSovereignty, #EnergyDemocracy, federal policy and more.

In collaboration with partners, CJA’s Black Caucus strategizes within the movement space to foster collective agency across grassroot communities for policy change, narrative shifts, and real solutions to the climate crisis that leave no one behind.

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