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Jun 16th 2023
“The USA, the UK & the EU have wasted hours and hours [...] playing a naked game of self interest.”

The Bonn Climate Conference (#SB58) — a crucial international summit which will shape the response to the #ClimateCrisis — ended yesterday.

🧵Here's what you need to know... 1/7
The #SB58 is where the agenda & priorities for the next major international climate summit #COP28 are shaped.

Our Director @chilledasad100 has been exposing wealthy countries refusing their responsibilities & demanding that #ClimateJustice is at the centre of that agenda. 2/7
In the conference rooms, and in the hallways, we have been demanding a different route forward — one that prioritises the rights and interests of people and planet, and not the profits of corporations. 3/7
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Jun 14th 2023
1/25. Today is the ninth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the continuation of discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage, a number of excellent side events, and importantly the adoption of the agenda. Here are some of our highlights!🧵 Image
2/25. This morning kicked off with three #LossAndDamage side events happening at the same time! Sadly we could not get to them all, but the good news is that there are webcasts with which to revisit them.
3/25. They included: "#HumanRights, #ClimateChange and disaster induced migration and #Displacement: Regional Perspectives" with @UUSC, @esperance_ong, @ALIANZAAMERICAS.

📼See the webcast here:
Read 25 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Watch this 👇

Layan Kayed's story was one of many we shared in the halls of the Bonn climate conference to remind delegates that there cannot be #ClimateJustice without respect for #HumanRights. 1/4
Last year, as delegates from governments around the world arrived in Egypt for the COP27 climate conference, thousands of War on Want supporters took action to demand that the Egyptian government release journalist, activist and political prisoner Alaa Abd el-Fattah. 2/4 ImageImage
Layan & Alaa both remain in prison for exercising their basic human right to free speech.

Yesterday, as the UK parliament passed its new Public Order Act to clamp down on our own freedom to protest, we stood alongside all those facing political persecution to demand justice. 3/4 Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
1/ Climate change & inequality – two of the most pressing issues of our time – are deeply interconnected. This thread will explore how they're intertwined and why addressing them simultaneously is crucial for a sustainable future. 🧵 #ClimateChange #Inequality Image
2/ Firstly, let's discuss how climate change disproportionately affects the most vulnerable. The poor and marginalized, who contribute least to carbon emissions, are the hardest hit by environmental changes. #ClimateJustice #ClimateChange Image
3/ Increased temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and extreme weather events are all exacerbated by climate change. This disproportionately impacts agriculture-dependent communities and economies, often in developing nations. #ClimateCrisis #Inequality Image
Read 13 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
Read 39 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
1/4. “It is very surprising that at this time we are still arguing for #HumanRights [within multilateral processes]. We are facing harassment, surveillance and sexual harassment...Countries normally vocal are remaining quiet.” @CamilaZepedaL, Head of Delegation, Mexico 🇲🇽. Image
2/3. "As a country we speak up and defend #Pariticpation, defend #HumanRights, we are left alone in many negotiating rooms, including those discussing #LossAndDamage."
3/4. "We have made complaints as a government...Host agreements (for @UNFCCC COP's) going forwards need to protect accountability, the right to assembly and #FreeSpeech. We have proposed language to make sure those agreements public and transparent to ensure #HumanRights."
Read 4 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
(1/14) Lang draadje over de uitzending van #Jinek op 8 juni en de aldaar heersende #DontLookUp mentaliteit. Here we go. Aan het begin van de uitzending werden de dystopische beelden van New York getoond. Door de bosbranden, honderden kilometers verderop in Canada,
(2/14) is de stad gehuld in een oranje wolk van roetdeeltjes. Jezelf onbeschermd in de buitenlucht begeven staat gelijk aan het roken van 1 sigaret per uur. Per uur! Ondanks dat benoemd wordt dat dit steeds vaker zal gebeuren, spreken de verslaggever en Eva alleen over zaken
(3/14) als mondkapjes en betere luchtventilatie. De achterliggende oorzaken van deze natuurramp worden compleet genegeerd.
Sidenote: een internationaal team o.l.v. het KNMI (…) heeft een analyse gemaakt van hoe de kans op dergelijke extreme hitte is
Read 14 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
@AntarcticTreaty is hosting its first Climate Day today at its 45th meeting in Helsinki - and I was invited to give a keynote presentation.
The event is not public, but for transparency, I have decided to share my slides in this thread, 🧵⬇️
#seriousness #urgency #action
(1) Image
This presentation builds upon the @IPCC_CH Sixth Assessment (AR6) reports, which I describe as a co-production, and which are the most reviewed scientific assessments, providing a robust assessment of the state of scientific knowledge, endorsed by all governments.
(2) Image
Antarctica is an increased focus of the @IPCC_CH assessments, in particular related to ice sheet and global sea level rise, ocean circulation, as well as unique ecosystems and biodiversity.

Reports reflect science advances, and knowledge gaps
(3) Image
Read 44 tweets
May 8th 2023
++Breaking: through fences++

✊🏼Successful blockade of #LNG-construction site & pipelines at port of Mukran/#Ruegen ‼️

🔽This is how to pull the plug on neocolonial 🇩🇪 energy-politics & #FossilCapital

You plan a gigantic #LNG-terminal? We are the #InvestmentRisk. Count on us. Activists climbing over a f...
✊🏼Happening on Liberation Day, this action against germinating #FossilFascism shows how interconnected the fights for #ClimateJustice are.

📢From #Ruegen up to #Rojava, climate-just means #Antifa


"Built on plundering and murder, #NoLNG anywhere!"

Blockade - Sabotage - Expropriate

✊🏼Rad action-choreography by comrades @IL_Berlin

Read 6 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
wenn ich Leute sagen höre „es ändert sich eh nichts“, dann muss ich oft daran denken, wie ich als Kind bei der Patentante meiner Mutter war. Die gute Frau war schon jenseits der 90 und hat noch die Kaiserzeit miterlebt. Dann den Ersten Weltkrieg. 1/
Die sozialen Revolten und Revolutionen die auf den Krieg folgten. Die Niederschlagung der Arbeiter:innen- und Soldatenräte. Den Aufstieg und den Fall des Faschismus. Die Sowjetunion und ihr Ende. Alles in einem Leben.

Also: „Es“ ändert sich regelmäßig, und zwar Alles und mit großem Krach. Die Frage ist immer nur, in welche Richtung es geht. Und die Entscheidung darüber liegt auch in unseren Händen.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 29th 2023

Today is a BIG day for #ClimateJustice with not one but two critical developments at international institutions advancing efforts to clarify & enforce States’ #HumanRights obligations in the face of #ClimateChange.

Our reaction:…

A thread🧵👇
The 1⃣ critical development is the first-ever public hearings at the @ECHR_CEDH on climate cases addressing the duty of states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including a case brought by the @KlimaSeniorin against Switzerland.

The2⃣ development is the historic adoption by the #UNGA of a resolution calling upon the world’s highest court, @CIJ_ICJ, to issue an opinion on State legal responsibilities to protect the climate system for present & future generations & the consequences of failing to do so.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Today is a landmark day for #ClimateLitigation, for #HumanRights & for #ClimateJustice.

For the 1st time, the @ECHR_CEDH is holding two public hearings in #Climate cases.

CIEL's @duycks is in Strasbourg 🇫🇷 attending the hearings, follow him for updates from the ground.

What are these climate cases?

@KlimaSeniorin, @DamienCAREME & @Y4CJ_ are calling on the court to hold States accountable for not doing enough to protect their citizens from the impacts of climate change.
These are unprecedented hearings because the European Court of Human Rights will
👉 Address the duty of states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
👉 Clarify the link between #HumanRights and the climate crisis,
👉 Clarify States' obligations to #ActOnClimate.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
This week, CIEL's Senior Campaigner @lienvandamme is in Luxor 🇪🇬 to attend the first meeting of the Transitional Committee (#TC1) of the #LossAndDamageFund.

Follow the live stream:

Here's a 🧵 on what #TC1 is about and why it matters👇 Image
At the climate talks #COP27, States agreed to:
1⃣ Create new funding arrangements to address the impacts of #ClimateChange in vulnerable countries, incl. a #LossAndDamageFund
2⃣ Establish a Transitional Committee that will meet throughout 2023 to decide the details of this fund. Image
No actual money has yet been pledged 💸 & yet – the decision at #COP28 to create a #LossAndDamageFund is a crucial 1st step towards a #ClimateJustice future in which communities are fairly compensated for the losses they are suffering due to a crisis they had no role in creating. Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
A handful of billionaires own most of the corporations, corporate media and social media and practically every major institution that affects our collective and individual quality of life.…
A handful of billionaires have unprecedented control over banking, financial institutions, what’s invested in and what isn’t, the food we eat and the water we drink.
#PalmOilFree in ‘23…
Read 25 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
BREAKING: @Chubb is requiring oil & gas companies to cut methane emissions and stopping underwriting for drilling projects in protected areas. This comes after years of pressure since @ChubbNA’s last policies to restrict coal & tar sands. Stay tuned for our analysis.
.@Chubb's policy, while an overdue step in the right direction, is not aligned with climate science like CEO Evan Greenberg claims. Yesterday, the @IPCC_CH released a new report & @antonioguterres called for a stop to 👏all 👏new fossil fuel expansion.
Unfortunately, @ChubbNA’s policy has major gaps that will allow it to continue insuring the expansion of many new oil & gas fields, pipelines & other midstream infrastructure, incl. protected areas, & projects that have not obtained the consent of impacted Indigenous communities.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Now live-tweeting the #IPCC #ClimateReport press conference, sharing results from the largest scientific effort to analyze the #ClimateAction needed for a livable future for all.
Follow here and in this THREAD:
"The pace and scale of what has been done, and current plans, are insufficient to tackle climate change. We are walking when we should be sprinting. Impacts include illness and death, damage global economy, threaten our life support system." H-S Lee, #IPCC #ClimateReport /2
Effective, equitable action now can lead to more sustainable, just world; benefits for people and nature. Many feasible and effective options. Must cut global GHG emissions by almost half by 2030 "if we want a chance to stay at/below 1.5°C" H-S Lee #IPCC #ClimateReport /3
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Mar 16th 2023
Why do people resist #climateadaptation? Our new paper uses a sociological resistance lens to identify overt and covert #popularresistance in 56 adaptation papers and analyses the Sites, Repertoires and Consequences of resistance to adaptation (1/X)…
Societal responses to risks of #floods, #droughts, or #hurricanes – even those using a language of participation – might follow historical development pathways, strive to maintain the status quo, and directly or indirectly serve elite interests (2/X)
In recent years, we have seen an upsurge of civil society actors who co-produce adaptation solutions directly and mobilise for increased action, compensation, and reparation by those in power, for instance under the banner of #climatejustice (3/X)
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Mar 7th 2023
Next week, I'll be in Interlaken🇨🇭at the 58th Session of the @IPCC_CH, which is going to approve the Synthesis Report of the 6th Assessment Report.
👉READ @ciel_tweets & @BoellStiftung briefing on the #AR6 reports:…
A 🧵
The Sixth Assessment Cycle #AR6 reflects an undeniable scientific consensus: we don't have time, the #ClimateEmergency is already a reality & needs to be addressed NOW, not tomorrow.
#AR6 makes clear:
👉 A rapid & equitable #FossilPhaseOut, and
👉 Rollout of renewable energies alongside energy efficiency and demand-side measures
remain the clearest and most certain path to #ClimateJustice
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Feb 26th 2023
1/14 70th anniversary of #Germany's #DebtCancellation after #WWII! This laid the foundation for 🇩🇪’s economic "miracle". Here’s why a debt cancellation for the Global South is a necessary precondition to enable a #JustTransition & #ClimateJustice!
🧵👇 Projection by Koala Kollektiv
2/14 History taught us how intelligent debt policy works. February 27, 2023, marks the 70th anniversary of the cancellation of 🇩🇪’s debt. This contributed decisively to the reconstruction of a heavily war-torn country.… #DebtForClimate #LondonAgreement1953
3/14 Through the #LondonAgreement1953, signed on February 27, 1953, during the the age of bloc confrontation, the young 🇩🇪 nation was closely tied to the Western defense alliance. #DebtForClimate #CancelTheDebt
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Feb 23rd 2023
Incredible introduction to @SierraClub's Executive Director @BenJealous!

Thanks @Sammy_Roth for a great story covering topics of how to navigate racism, financial affordability and internal tensions in an ambitious agenda to tackle the climate crisis.…
2 / @BenJealous: "Racism has always been the wedge that kings and oligarchs have used to weaken people’s ability to assert their claims to justice. It’s an artifact of an old colonial divide-and-conquer strategy..."
3/ "...So for those at the Sierra Club who have wondered why we are so on fire to fight racism, I explain that it’s an obstacle to us saving the planet. Racism helps to ensure poverty, which keeps people desperate in making bad decisions about the future of the planet."
Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
1/6. 📜NEW PAPER: "Vulnerability and #LossAndDamage following the #COP27 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (@UNFCCC )" from @ccadapt and @angus_naylor looking at how #LossAndDamage intersects with vulnerability thinking.

🔗Read it here:… Image
2/6. The paper highlights how although the creation of a Transitional Committee to operationalise funding for #LossAndDamage at #COP27 could prove a seminal moment for the @UNFCCC...
3/6. In the context of #LossAndDamage and wider climate financing, discourses of vulnerability and mechanisms and indices for appraising the impacts of #ClimateChange remain unfit for purpose.
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Feb 7th 2023
🔥 As more people realise that the climate crisis is worse than predicted, some will turn to tech to save us. "Carbon Dioxide Removals" (CDR) in particular are being pushed as a solution. Here's why that would be a catastrophic mistake for #ClimateJustice…
💸 In reality, CDR is a providing lifeline for the fossil fuel industry. Pollute now, clean up later! Which is also how the US justifies increasing fossil fuel production - they are simultaneously investing billions in CDR.…
❌CDR technologies are not a tool to avoid 1.5C warming. They are speculative technologies that would be used to lower temperature rise *after* we overshoot that threshold. Investing in renewables & reducing emissions NOW is a more effective solution.…
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Feb 2nd 2023
If you aren't tuning in yet to @VigilForHD16 introducing a phenomenal bill at #colorado #legislativesession ✨HB23-1101 - Ozone Season Transit Grant Program Flexibility ✨ #CleanAir #publictransit #ClimateJustice is important

@baconforco discusses the bill as well - who represents D7, and how much transit has mattered to #students #youngpeople and #workingparents and how much #CleanAir matters to her constituents #copolitics

Follow the bill!🔥
@VigilForHD16 gives us a lesson on group level o-zone - "which is a combination of heat and toxins, and they mostly come from oil and gas operations - and then transportation is the next big one" #copolitics

Fantastic point Rep. #ClimateJustice
Read 15 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
This morning, Dutch police arrested six climate activists on suspicion of incitement, including @Jelle_De_Graaf and Tessel Hofstede. Actor @SiegerSloot had the police at the door, but after searching his house the officers had to leave again because he was not at home. [1/7]
Earlier this week one of Extinction Rebellion NL’s attorneys had already contacted the Public Prosecutor and informed them that arrests are not necessary and all XR rebels will report for questioning if requested. [2/7]
Despite this, peaceful climate activists are being lifted out of bed at 7 a.m. and arrested. Children stood by and watched as their Mums and Dads were taken away for peaceful climate action. Read our attorney's response in the press release. [3/7]…
Read 7 tweets

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