Donnie Discerned Profile picture
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

Feb 17, 2022, 12 tweets

On 2/22/22 will be a once-in-a 248 year event.

Pluto is going to conjunct (return to) the United States.

The Last time this happened was on July 4th 1776, the exact founding day of America.

Astrologically, Pluto brings Destruction and Rebirth.

Rome fell when Pluto Returned.

First Pluto Return – 219 AD

The Roman Empire’s natal Pluto is at 27 Cancer. The Empire experienced a Pluto return during the years 218-220 AD.

This was a period of a terrible ending after a great expansion.

Second Pluto Return – 464 AD

This was during the reign of some puppet emperor-or-other. From 461-472 it was the Germanic general Ricimer who managed the western empire.

Historians end the Empire in 476 AD when the Germanic king Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus.

It is also very interesting that Kanye West's New Album "Donda 2" releases exactly on this day, and also depicts a burning house.

Which may have double meaning to his personal life, but also a subliminal hint to what's to come to this country.

Kanye even acknowledges the significance of the date in relation to Pluto's return and it's astrological implications in a Instagram story post.

Remember that 22 is the number for the "Master Builder" in occult practices.

It is also interesting that this day will be the 22nd Day, of the 2nd month, of the 22nd year, of the 2nd millennia since "Christ's birth." (Anno Domini)

I do not have any particular inclination to believe that something will happen on this exact day.

But i do believe this signifies a turning point in history.

I believe it signifies that we are in the season of destruction and rebirth.

"Order out of Chaos."

But let's keep an eye on this date and this season that we are in.

Big things are certainly coming, and most people believe that we are reaching an "awakened" age of "enlightenment, peace and prosperity."

But be not deceived.

We are reaching the end of God's Biblical Timeline.

Another interesting piece of information was just given to me.

2 x 2 x 2 x 222 = 1776.

Also, on the image of Independence Hall on the $100 bill the time on the clock tower reads 2:22


12 is the number of government.

What could this mean?

Personally, I believe this predictive symbolism is foreshadowing that points us back to the destruction of one system and rebirth of another.

We are seeing mass resistance and revolution around the world and there is a shift indeed happening.

For clarification,

On the day of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, July 4 1776, Pluto's position was at 27 Capicorn.

On 2/22/22 Pluto will be returning to that exact position for the first time ever.

Here is what's called a "Sibly" Chart illustrating this.

Another key piece of information was just given to me.

Kanye West’s Donda 2 is being produced by Future, who is referred to as “Pluto” and released an album called “Pluto.”


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