Daria Kaleniuk Profile picture
executive director at @AntAC_ua co-founder of @ICUVua. 12 years of building anti-corruption & rule of law in Ukraine. 2 years of global advocacy for UA victory

Feb 18, 2022, 10 tweets

We at @ANTAC_ua continue virtual tour across Europe highlighting luxurious wealth of Kremlin oligarchs, Western politicians & companies at service of Putin. Welcome to Austria owned by Putin & Co. #BlockPutinWallets 👇

Igor Shuvalov, ex-deputy Prime Minister in Russia (2008-2018), now heading largest Russian state development organization VEB.RF with $50,3 bln total assets. Here is Shuvalov's castle in Salzburg exposed by @navalny navalny.com/p/4952/

Shuvalov's wife hobby is breeding dogs. Dogs enjoy frequent travel at Shuvalov's non declared private jet Bombardier Global Express M-VQBI to attend various dogs shows and competitions in Europe navalny.com/p/4952/

VEB.RF headed by Shuvalov is financing cableway between China and Russia at Ural.@cxemu reported that companies related to Victor Medvedchuk were part of this project. VEB.RF subsidiaries are also taking over "Crimean titan" company of Dmytro Firtash biz.censor.net/news/3244826/s…

Oligarch Dmytro Firtash is important assets holder for Putin in Austria. He was receiving enormous profit at transit of Russian gas through Ukraine. FBI charged Firtash for corruption and US asked Austria for Firtash extradition, but Kremlin helps him to avoid it since 2014

Former Austrian Minister of Justice Dieter Böhmdorfer from Freedom Party (FPO) is heading team of legal defence for Firtash is Austria. Kremlin oligarch Vasiliy Anisimov paid a record bail for Firtash to stay under house arrest - 125 mln Euro. More here eurozine.com/the-firtash-oc…

By the way, far-right FPÖ party has openly supported Putin since 2007. In May 2019, FPÖ’s secret financial corrupt deals with Russia crashed entire government france24.com/en/live-news/2…

Wolfgang Schüssel, Austrian ex-Chancellor, now earns big bucks at Russian state owned Lukoil; Karin Kneissl, ex-Foreign Minister ( Putin's "dancing queen") works for Rosneft. More Austrian political elite servicing Putin @anders_aslund & @BLSchmitt

If you #StandWithUkraine join on Feb18-20 street actions across Europe to demand your government to #BlockPutinWallets. Here are details facebook.com/events/s/solid…

If you #StandWithUkraine share website putinwallets.org with collection of infographics on Kremlin assets & enables in the West (more graphics coming soon @apmassaro3). Demand to freeze these assets & ban entry for Kremlin oligarchs and their families. #BlockPutinWallets

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