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Feb 19, 2022, 5 tweets

#PersonalFinance | NRIs and foreign investors enjoy low tax rates on investments made in the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) located at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

(By @SatyaSontanam) |

#PersonalFinance |Legally, the IFSC is considered a jurisdiction separate from the rest of India, that provides financial services in foreign currency.

(By @SatyaSontanam) |

#PersonalFinance | A large number of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) have also sprung up in the GIFT city, catering to NRIs.

(By @SatyaSontanam) |

#PersonalFinance | An AIF, which is a privately pooled investment vehicle, comes in three different categories. Category I funds invest in start-ups or early stage ventures.

(By @SatyaSontanam) |

#PersonalFinance | Category III funds such as hedge funds employ diverse or complex trading strategies for investment in listed or unlisted securities/derivatives.

(By @SatyaSontanam) |

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