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Feb 19, 2022, 30 tweets

🔴 NEW: Russian-backed separatists declare full military mobilisation

Follow the latest news on the #RussiaUkraineCrisis 👇…

🔴Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a telephone call with French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday as tensions spike in the crisis over Ukraine, the Kremlin said…

🔴Russia's thinking 'may cost it a prosperous future', says Ursula von der Leyen

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here👇…

🗣️Vladimir Putin has decided to attack Ukraine and will target Kyiv, says Joe Biden…

🔴Moscow accused of ‘blatant attempt’ to reshape international order by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen…

🔴 NEW: Boris Johnson urges ‘unity’ to deter ‘unnecessary bloodshed’

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says West 'must not be naive' about Russian intentions…

🔴Kamala Harris: ‘Unprecedented’ economic costs will be imposed on Russia if it ‘further invades Ukraine’…

✍️The current crisis has pushed Europe to the brink of war. No matter how it ends, Mr Putin will be back for Ukraine, writes @RolandOliphant

Read the inside story of Vladimir Putin’s mythical obsession with Ukraine here👇…

🔴 NEW: Boris Johnson urges 'unity' to deter 'unnecessary bloodshed' - watch live

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴Russia launches hypersonic missiles in nuclear drills overseen by Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko…

🔴Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, the Boris Johnson said: “This is a very dangerous moment in our history. We stand on the brink of what could be a war in Europe.”

Watch live here👇…

🔴Boris Johnson says Russian individuals and companies will be sanctioned if Moscow invades Ukraine…

🔴 NEW: Invasion would cause ‘destruction of a democratic state’, says Boris Johnson

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴Invasion could be followed by a ‘generation of bloodshed’, warns Boris Johnson…

🔴Russia is accusing of genocide as they pave way for potential invasion.

Experts believe the extreme claims are part of a propaganda blitz as Moscow tries to justify any conflict at home and abroad, reports @Nat_Vasilyeva…

🔴Dmytro Kuleba thanks US for sharing data on 'Russia’s aggressive plans'…

🔴"German nationals are urged to leave the country now," Germany's foreign ministry said in a statement.

"A military confrontation is possible at any time"…

🔴Ukraine's military has said that mercenaries had arrived in separatist-held eastern Ukraine to stage provocations in collaboration with Russia's special services

🔴Germany's flag carrier Lufthansa announced it is suspending flights to and from the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Odessa from Monday until the end of February…

🔴A dozen mortar shells fell within a few hundred metres of Ukraine's interior minister on Saturday as he met journalists on a tour of the frontline with Russian-backed rebels…

🔴Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the Munich Security Conference on Saturday that his country was holding back an assault on the whole of Europe…

🔴Liz Truss: invasion could come as soon as next week.

In the "worst-case scenario'" Russia could invade Ukraine as early as next week, Liz Truss told the Munich Security Conference…

🔴The current crisis in Ukraine is not just an issue for Europe, but an issue for the world, Liz Truss has said.

"That is why our partners around the world are all supporting Ukraine and supporting us in the steps we are taking"…

🔴 Ukraine reports two soldiers killed in separatists shelling.

The Ukrainian military said two soldiers were killed and four wounded in shelling by pro-Russian separatists in east Ukraine on Saturday

🔴 France has urged its citizens to leave the Ukrainian regions of Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk without delay due to a rise in tensions…

🗣️ We'll make it 'impossible' for Russia to raise money in London, says Boris Johnson…

🔴 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet him and seek a resolution to the crisis…

🔴 Foreign ministers from the G7 group of rich nations said on Saturday they saw no evidence that Russia is reducing military activity near Ukraine's borders and remain "gravely concerned" about the situation…

🔴 Russia has launched sea-based hypersonic missiles in show of force…

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