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NYT bestselling Trump and Musk biographer. Attorney. Retired journalism professor. More: and

Feb 19, 2022, 9 tweets

(BOOK UPDATE) PROOF OF CORRUPTION is blowing up—it’s now in Amazon’s Top 20 Elections books. And despite being a 576-pg. hardcover, a critically acclaimed national bestseller, and having a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ average reader rating over 510 reviews, it’s just $8.26.…

PS/ Two days ago it was ranked #285,000 overall and #408 in Elections. I am so glad folks are finding out en masse that Macmillan published a book in late 2020 that gives all the background one needs to the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Many library copies out there, too!

PS2/ 250 or so copies are available in libraries across the country. Go to WorldCat and enter your zip code to get a listing of the library holdings of PROOF OF CORRUPTION near you. Link:

AUDIO/ Did you know the Introduction to PROOF OF CORRUPTION is free online (with the inimitable Robert Petkoff reading)? I hope you’ll spread the word.

(UPDATE) Sales spiking, book price falling. Good! I’m *thrilled* PROOF OF CORRUPTION is now just $8.21. I want everyone to read this book and better understand the present Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Please continue to spread the word—this book is as relevant today as it’s ever been.

(UPDATE) The critically acclaimed national bestseller PROOF OF CORRUPTION—a 576-page hardcover offering all the information you could ever want about the imminent Russia-Ukraine war and how it intersects with US politics—is now just $8.18 and headed toward #1 on Amazon. Stunning.

(UPDATE) It’s really happening: PROOF OF CORRUPTION is down to $8.12 on Amazon (for a 576-page bestselling hardcover) and headed toward #1. It was around #285,000 48 hours ago, and now look at it (see image below). I hope you’ll consider retweeting the first tweet in this thread.

(UPDATE) Now #2 in Elections and #2 in Political Intelligence. Inside the Top 1500 of all books on Amazon. Price down to $8.09 for a 576-page hardcover bestseller. You all are amazing—and I hope you’ll keep spreading the word about PROOF OF CORRUPTION so everyone gets to read it.

(UPDATE) The march to #1 on Amazon continues: PROOF OF CORRUPTION is now down to $7.97 in price and well inside the Top 1000 books on Amazon. I’ve never seen anything like this in 25 years of publishing books. This 2020 Russia-Ukraine bestseller was #285,000 on Amazon 2 days ago.

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