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Feb 20, 2022, 14 tweets

Trump hid Putin's calls, met with him in private, confiscated the translator's notes after meeting with him and the @GOP want to blame BIDEN for the Ukraine?!

That's some schtick

15 BOXES of CLASSIFIED INTEL was taken and they're bringing up Hillary? Not ONE of them cares what happens to America.

I guess they didn't get enough fizz trying to set Biden up for Afghanistan

45 loved our allies.

Have the GOP ever defended an accusation against 45 without attacking the source of it?

They went after career professionals like Vindman, Hill etc etc. Was there anyone they didn't attack who accused 45 of a crime?

Lifetime professional, Marie Yovanovich, had to get bodyguards because some madman who committed a crime, told a room full of people(none having anything to do with employment) to "TAKE HER OUT".
That's indefensible, yet they managed to smear her.

The entire GOP


This is for the GOP in the back of the room..

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