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Feb 21, 2022, 18 tweets

Putin addressing Russians now

Falsely claims that Ukraine was created Russia in pseudo-historic monologue

Putin questions why territories handed over to nationalists

Calls his thoughts on history a "historical fact"

Says Stalin created unitarian state with the center in Moscow

Says it was a mistake to grant rights to exit USSR for republics

Explains "grave decision" led to collapse of USSR

Says provided $250B to Ukraine in last 30 years "according to some estimations". Explains his visions of Ukrainian politics, using russophobia, nationalists, nazis, corruption, says there is no real state in Ukraine, oligarchs

Now switched to the west, says Ukraine is not sovereign, under full control of U.S. and others, that controlling country with NGOs and anti-corruption bureau, attacking Ukrainian laws

Accusing Ukraine and western special services in using Islamic extremists in Crimea and Donbas

It will be very east to get tactical nukes for Ukraine, especially with the foreign technical support - Putin… #Ukraine

Says U.S. strategic bombers and drones flying over Ukraine, and U.S. created base in Ochakov for NATO ships to use precise weapons against Russian Black Sea Fleet. Again back to false historic narratives. Very aware of articles of Constitution of Ukraine, citing

Says only U.S. was behind NATO's decision of 2018 at Bucharest summit on Ukraine and Georgia

Putin claims that Western countries promised never to accept eastern Germany and other countries east to Berlin Wall to NATO

Putin says that goal of U.S. to dismember Russia, as they do not need such a big country

Explaining why Moscow proposed "Russian security guarantees" to U.S&NATO

In violation of UNSC resolution 2202
In violation of Minsk Agreements

Putin in his speech recognizing independence of occupied territories of Ukraine…

Putin and heads of occupation authorities in parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine signed "Agreement on friendship" in Kremlin… #Ukraine

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