Daniel Bleakley Profile picture
Climate Activist. Engineer. Civilisation exists in a biosphere. @MinersInTeslas @AccessDisrupt https://t.co/XpUENNjE3P

Feb 22, 2022, 9 tweets


Allegra Spender.

@spenderallegra is a businesswoman & independent candidate for Wentworth.

She's passionate about climate & integrity in politics.

This is her first time driving a @Tesla


Full chat


Discussing the rise of grassroots community groups in Australia and why more Australians are engaging in politics.


Discussing Dave Sharma's comments on climate action compared to his voting record.


@spenderallegra discussing how integrity in politics is a key issue for people in Wentworth.


Discussing how amazing the future will be when we transition to 100% electric vehicles in our cities.


Talking with @spenderallegra about the fuel security and national security implications of electric vehicles and how accelerating the uptake of EVs will mean we can become energy independent.


Discussing Noway's families policy with @spenderallegra

.@MinersInTeslas in beautiful Wentworth.

Watch the full conversation with @spenderallegra here.

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