Manuel L. Quezon III Profile picture
Columnist .@inquirerdotnet Editor at large Views mine.

Feb 23, 2022, 7 tweets

A work that can help us make sense of the cycles of history, is .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009. Here is a thread of some of his ideas to ponder during #EDSA36 season.

2. From .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009

3. .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009

4. .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009

5. .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009

6. .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009

7. .@fromTGA's essay, "Velvet Revolutions: The Prospects" from 2009

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