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Feb 23, 2022, 47 tweets

🚨Vladimir Putin has stressed that Russia's interests are non-negotiable, but Moscow is ready to look for "diplomatic solutions."

Follow our live thread here for the latest updates on the #RussiaUkraineCrisis👇…

💬The Foreign Secretary has said that "nothing is off the table" to stop Vladimir Putin's incursion into Ukraine.

Western officials increasingly believe Putin is preparing to launch a full invasion, a move which could lead to thousands of casualties…

Satellites capture Russian military build-up 👇…

🔴Sanctions enacted by the West "cannot solve a thing" and that it is "ordinary citizens" in the West who will feel the impact, the Russian ambassador to the United States has warned…

🇺🇦Ukraine has started conscripting reservists aged 18-60 following a decree by President Volodymyr Zelensky, the armed forces said in a statement…

⚠️A Russian invasion of Ukraine is “likely to occur within the next 24 hours”, Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned…

🇷🇺 The Russian President is laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow today to mark Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is a public holiday in Russia…

🇬🇧Britain is ready to guarantee up to $500 million (£368 million) in loans to support Ukraine and help mitigate the economic effects of Russian aggression, the foreign office has said…

🚨BREAKING: Ukraine's security council has approved plans to declare a state of national emergency, in response to the growing threat of a Russian invasion…

🇷🇺Russian military assets reportedly moving towards the Donbas region could heavily outmatch the Ukrainian forces defending the area.

With 900,000 troops, Russia has the fourth largest military on the planet…

❌Households are threatened with even higher energy bills including petrol at £1.70 a litre, after the invasion of Ukraine intensified the inflationary forces advancing on global markets…

🔴This is how Russia's military presence has mounted around Ukraine

Read more:…

🗣️Scott Morrison says there will be a full-scale invasion in 'next 24 hours'

🚨Ukraine is to impose state of emergency

📈Gas prices keep rising as Russia sanctions mount

Here are today's major developments so far (Free to read)👇…

🔴 NEW: Vladimir Putin 'gone full tonto', says candid Ben Wallace

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴 Boris Johnson has announced Britain will provide Ukraine with "lethal defensive weapons" and "more military support" to Ukraine…

🔴Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has defended the UK's "very serious package" of sanctions against Russia, arguing it will be effective in "inflicting pain" on Russian President Vladimir Putin

🔴The Prime Minister has said "even more" sanctions against Russia are coming when pressed to "unleash a full package" of measures by Sir Keir Starmer…

🔴Denis Pushilin, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, said he would prefer to resolve questions about border demarcation with Kyiv peacefully, but reserved the right to ask Russia for help…

❓Is Britain doing enough for Ukraine?
Join @Tony_Diver, @mutazamd, @OliviaUtley and @djknowles22 live on @TwitterSpaces…

🗣️The crisis in Ukraine could be the most "critical moment" for the world since 1945, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said.

"This is a moment to stand up for independence, for sovereignty, for territorial integrity and for democracy around the world," she said

🔴Russia’s ambassador to Germany Sergei Nechaev has said that he hopes Germany’s cancellation of Nord Stream 2 is a "temporary measure" and that "prudence and pragmatism will prevail" in the matter…

🗣️In a news conference alongside his Polish and Lithuanian counterparts, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said international response to Russia's actions should be "immediate and harsh."

He added,"We expect further sanction pressure"

❌Russia’s largest social media platform’s operations, finances and work with business partners are “not affected”, the site has announced, despite its CEO being on the US sanction list…

⚠️The Government and British firms must ramp up their defences against cyber attacks, western officials have warned, amid growing fears they could fall victim to Russian hacks

🗣️It is an "obscene perversion" for Vladimir Putin to speak of Russian soldiers acting as peacekeepers in Ukraine, Australia's Foreign Minister has said.

"Any suggestions that there is a legitimate basis for Russia's actions are pure propaganda and disinformation"

🔴Vladimir Putin said earlier today that Moscow was ready to look for "diplomatic solutions" amid raging tensions with the West over Ukraine.

But he stressed that the country's interests were non-negotiable…

🔴Boris Johnson has announced that extra defensive weapons are being sent to Ukraine in response to the looming threat of a full-scale Russian invasion.

Read the full report here 👇…

🔴EU leaders will meet for a special summit in Brussels tomorrow to discuss the bloc's response to Moscow after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine…

🔴The United States is ready to impose further sanctions on Russia if it continues to escalate its aggression towards Ukraine, the US ambassador to the United Nations has said…

🔴Addressing the UN in New York, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said: "Russia's accusations of Ukraine are absurd, Ukraine has never threatened or attacked anyone"…

🗣️"I don't want this, Ukraine doesn't want this, the world doesn't want this," said Dmytro Kuleba…

🔴Spain has recommended its nationals leave Ukraine as soon as possible given the worsening of the security situation, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said today…

Addressing the UN in New York, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said: "Ukraine made a historic contribution to global security ... in 1994 we denuclearised."

"The world owes Ukraine its security"…

🔴NEW: 'Massive' cyberattack hits banks and state websites, Kyiv says

Follow live #RussiaUkraineCrisis updates here 👇…

🔴Israel declared its support for “the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of Ukraine” but avoided criticising Russia for moving troops into the country

🔴NEW: US warns Kyiv of 'imminent' full scale invasion

Follow the latest #RussiaUkraineCrisis updates on our liveblog 👇…

🔴Russian President Vladimir Putin's military is as ready as it can be to launch what the US believes could be a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a senior US official said today…

🔴Vladimir Putin has gone "full tonto", Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary, said on Wednesday as the Government hardened its rhetoric over the Russian president.

Read the full report 👇…

📸Ukrainians demonstrate outside the Russian Embassy in London 👇…

🔴Biden has announced sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

He said: "Today, I have directed my administration to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers"…

Britain will send more weapons to Ukraine in response to Russia’s “increasingly threatening behaviour”, Boris Johnson has confirmed.

Read the full report here 👇…

❓Is the curtain coming down on ‘Londongrad’?

Russia's billionaire oligarchs have been living the high-life in Britain for decades, but now the gravy train may be grinding to a halt.

Read the full story 👇…

🚨The Ukrainian parliament has approved a declaration of a state of emergency across the whole of Ukraine except for two eastern regions where it has been in place since 2014…

🇺🇸The White House has said that President Biden has no intention of sending US troops to fight in Ukraine

🔴The White House has said it sees no immediate, specific threat of cyber attacks directed at the US in light of the crisis with Russia over Ukraine…

🔴The White House says the request by Ukrainian separatists for Russian military assistance, in the face of supposed "aggression" by Ukraine's government, is an example of the "false flag" operations they have consistently warned against…

🔴The sudden reappearance of the crude Soviet-era missiles in Ukraine is a grim sign of what is to come if the Russians unleash their threatened invasion.

Read the full story by @RolandOliphant 👇…

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