Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance Profile picture
Scholar and a Gentleman. Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. Trump is Putin's Puppet. And so is @elonmusk. Billionaires don't want to lower your fucking taxes.

Feb 23, 2022, 156 tweets

I’m going to start putting together a thread of @GOP officials using their elected office to attack their own country during a crisis. Let’s start with the abomination that is @RepStefanik.

7: @Jim_Jordan
“You can’t start and project weakness like this on the world stage, which this administration seems to do every day.”

19: @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy

102: @RepMeuser

Last tweet: “There was no planning along the way…there was very little uniting of allies. And, frankly, a lot of wishful thinking that [Biden] was going to be able to negotiate to cease Putin’s buildup…and Putin called Biden’s bluff.”

107: @WendyRogersAZ (AZ state senator)

119: @RepCloudTX
[No statements *at all* on Ukraine, just attacks on Biden]

150: @replouiegohmert
[No statement on Ukraine, but Pinned is a litany of treasonous lies calling Mueller’s investigation a “legalized coup” & the rest are attacks on Biden. Mueller established that Russia *attacked* our 2016 election to *help* Trump]

152: @MikeCrapo
First tweet: “While the President attempted to portray optimism, the challenges of the present time require an IMMEDIATE SHIFT in focus away from far-left policies that weaken America’s economy, national security and foreign policy.” (no)

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