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BVetMed| 🇿🇲 | ♉ Vet Consultant | Small & large animal Med | Future Farmer

Feb 23, 2022, 12 tweets

Broiler Medication Programme (Day 1 - to Market)

Here is a detailed programme of what you need to give your broilers from the first day until market..

A thread...
#Broilerfarming #agriculture

Day 0
Vaccination (Marek's Disease).
Usually done for you if you buy chickens from a supplier.

Day 1
Antibiotics (e.g. Tetroxy, Bilosin, Bimotrin, Spectogard). It is also recommended to give glucose and or stress pack

Day 2 - 5
Give a Multivitamin supplement or Poultry Tonic
(If your chicks are still looking weak, you can give them antibiotics instead)

Day 6 to 9
Vitamins and Microelemets
(Vitamin E is highly recommended)

Day 10 or 11 - VACCINATION
Infectious Bursal Disease - IBD (Gumboro) + Newcastle Disease (ND)
You can easily combine these two without issues

(depending on your area, some areas have a higher disease virulence others, lower. Vaccinate earlier if your area has higher virulence)

Day 12 - 13
StressPac or glucose supplement or pure water

Vaccines tend to stress chickens, so this is important for them.

Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
Recommended vaccine is 'IB 4/91'

Day 15 - 16
StressPac or glucose supplement or pure water or Vitamins

Gumboro only!

Day 18
StressPac or glucose supplement or pure water or Vitamins

Day 19 - 28
Booster or probiotics or growth promoters

Day 29 - Depletion
Pure water 💦

If your chickens are suffering from respiratory problems at 3 weeks, you can give Vitamins and or antibiotics, but STOP giving antibiotics at least 10 days before market.

NB -
1. Vaccines come in different doses (500, 1000, 2000, 5000 etc). Buy only as much as you need. Once opened, vaccines cannot be reused.
2. Images are merely for a graphical presentation. I am not promoting any products here. The product you choose to buy is on you!

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