Drew Holden Profile picture
Link to my Substack about the media, @Holden_Court, is below. Also seen in: @nytimes @NRO @federalist & more. Keeper of receipts. Maker of🧵threads🧵

Feb 23, 2022, 11 tweets

There’s always next week, guys.

I’m just here for the takes.

Seventh Day Adventist Never Trumpism remains undefeated.

Six days, guys. Six.

B-b-but what about the felony racketeering charges I was promised?

I’m beginning to worry that perhaps some people went overboard with this story.

Man, if you can’t trust the Legal AF podcast, who can you trust these days?

No one can outdo the queen, though.

Everything is worse than everything before it, ad infinitum.

“But now, far too late but better late than never, the walls are closing in.” @DavidCayJ

Honestly this one is worth reading the whole piece. Mazars was “jumping off what looks like a sinking ship” cnn.com/2022/02/15/pol…

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